The Net Tightens

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I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Rachel had betrayed me. I couldn't believe she would do that. I turned to her, my eyes burning with anger and fear.

"How could you?" I spat at her. "How could you do this to me?"

Rachel's expression was blank, devoid of any emotion. "You're a fugitive, Ava," she said, her voice cold and detached. "You've been hiding from the law for too long. It's time to face the consequences."

I felt a surge of adrenaline as I saw the police emerging from the bushes and cars that had been hiding behind us. They were surrounding the cabin, trying to control the situation.

I knew I had to act fast. I grabbed Rachel's arm, pulling her towards the house. "We need to get inside," I said, my voice urgent.

Rachel didn't resist as I dragged her into the cabin. I slammed the door shut behind us, locking it with a loud click.

The police tried to break down the door, shouting for me to come out peacefully. But I knew they wouldn't listen. They would try to kill me if they got their hands on me.

I quickly scanned our surroundings, taking in the layout of the room. There was a kitchen area, a living room, and two bedrooms upstairs. I knew I had to get out of sight, and fast.

I grabbed Rachel and pulled her towards the stairs. "Upstairs," I hissed in her ear. "We need to get upstairs."

Rachel didn't struggle as we climbed the stairs, but I could feel her tension growing. She was scared, but she was also angry.

We reached the top of the stairs and I locked the door behind us, trapping ourselves in one of the bedrooms. Rachel turned to me, her eyes flashing with anger.

"You're going to get yourself killed," she spat at me.

I ignored her, my focus on finding a way out of this mess. I spotted a knife on the nightstand and grabbed it, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

The police started pounding on the door downstairs, trying to break it down. It was only a matter of time before they found a way in.

I held Rachel close, using her as a human shield as I looked around the room for an escape route. There was a window on one side, but it was too small for me to fit through.

That left us with one option - we would have to wait until nightfall before making our move.

I whispered to Rachel, my voice low and urgent. "We have to wait until dark. We'll make our escape then."

Rachel's eyes locked onto mine, filled with hatred and resentment. But she didn't struggle or try to escape. She knew she was trapped, just like me.

As we waited for nightfall, our situation was precarious at best. We were trapped in a small room with no clear escape route, surrounded by police who would stop at nothing to capture me.

But I refused to give up. I would find a way out of this nightmare, no matter what it took.

And Rachel would be coming with me - whether she liked it or not.

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