59| We're both single

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Isaac walks towards me, wiping the blood from his mouth. I've been spending a lot of my time with him. It makes sense considering he's my first vampire, and he's technically a Hybrid.

I'm not really talking to Scott or Lydia. Kira is the only one who's even tried talking to me. I'm definitely not talking to Stiles or his new little girlfriend Malia.



We walk back to my car together. Since turning my humanity back on I'm plagued with nothing but guilt.

Ashley still doesn't know the full scope of what I did and I'd like to keep it that way. Elena on the other hand still sees me as the girl I was before.

I drive back into Beacon Hills. I've been teaching him everything my father taught me about being a vampire. I really didn't expect any of this to happen but I guess I wasn't anticipating turning my humanity off.

In a sense I'm glad he had my blood in his system. He came back. Davina and Rebekah didn't.

It tore me apart when I was able to reflect on what I did. I did a lot of fucked up shit that I would never do with my humanity on. I would never kill someone who is innocent.

And I sure as hell would never kill people who actually mean something to me. I couldn't believe I actually killed Davina.



"We're here."

I look around and didn't even realize we were already home. I've been so much in my head lately. It's kind of hard not to with everything that happened.


I don't see Scott's bike which is good. I don't really wanna see or talk to him.

We both get out and walk inside. He opens the front door for me. He follows me up the stairs and to my room.

I close my door as he sits on the edge of my bed. I can feel him staring at me.


"You're overthinking."


"Liv, I can hear your heartbeat."

I look at him with my hands on my hips. I forget he's a Hybrid now, he's not just a vampire.

"It's hard coming back from.. that."

Everyone was terrified of what would happen if I turn my humanity off. It happened. And I killed a lot of people and ruined lives.

I can't take back any of it. I can only move forward but it's hard.

"I did the one thing that they were expecting." I say. "And I can't take it back. I did what I did."

"Nobody's asking you to."

"Are you kidding?" I ask. "Scott looks at me like I'm a fucking monster.. Lydia has barely talked to me, Kira acts like everything is dandy."

"And Stiles?"

I laugh.

"I don't want to talk about Stiles."

I could give less of a fuck about Stiles. A lie that I've been trying to tell myself.



He stands up, walking towards me. I stay in place and look up at him.



His hands fine my face. I should push him away. He's too close for comfort. I think.

He crashes his lips onto mine. I give in for a few seconds before pushing him away.

"Isaac.. we can't."

"What's the problem?" He asks. "We're both single."

There's a lot of things wrong with it. But his logic is right. We are single. And I need a distraction.

I grab his shirt, pulling him towards me. Our lips sync up. Clothes start disappearing and next thing I know, we're in my bed.

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