71| I fell in a hole

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"Are you sure you have no feelings for Stiles?"

I glare at Kira.

"No comment."

I pull into the parking lot as we both get out of my car.

"You know you should probably tell him."

"He's dating Malia and I am.. single."

"You know he's only dating Malia because you won't admit how you really feel. I mean, come on, it's obvious."

I slam my car door shut.

"I'm doing this to protect him."


"Don't 'mhm' me, okay?" I say. "It's for the best."

"Is it? Or are you just scared?"

"Sometimes I wish you wouldn't speak your mind."

I look at her and she looks like she's looking for someone.

"Go find him."

"See you in bio."

I nod and she walks away. I head to my locker with the sudden realization this is my last first day ever. I won't ever have a first day again here. I look down the hall at a locker, Allison's locker.

She should be here. And then the guilt creeps up my throat. If I had just been here then maybe she'd still be alive. But so should Bella. If I would've saved her then she'd be here too.


I turn around, Theo staring at me with a big smile.

"Oh." I say. "It's actually just Liv now."

"Hey, do you think maybe I could get your number?"

"I'm not looking for anything."

"It's not like that." I tilt my head. "Okay, maybe it's like that but you are really close with Scott and that could help me."

"He's my brother.. why wouldn't I be close to him?" I ask. "And why would I help you?"

Theo's reasoning for returning to Beacon Hills is that he wants to join Scott's pack. Scott didn't really know what to say after that. Stiles on the other hand is very keen on not letting him join Scott's pack, not that it's really his choice.

I don't know how I feel about Theo. I barely remember him from fourth grade. Alls I remember is his sister dying and his family moving away after it happened.

"I need a pack. You of all people should know what happens to an Omega."

"I can't force him to do something he doesn't want to."

"But you can persuade him."

His persistence is endearing but I don't know if I buy it.

"Well, I got bio so.. I should go."

"Me too. We can walk together."

I nod my head. We walk to bio together. He sits at the very last table while I go to the front and sit beside Lydia. I take my notebook out, setting it on the table when Lydia elbows my side. She points over to Kira. I see Scott and immediately question why he's here.

"Scotty, you're in the wrong class."

"AP bio, right?"

"I love you but let's be real."

"That's rude."

He pulls out a textbook, opening it to multiple highlighted areas and annotated. I shrug as Mrs. Finch starts talking.

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