69| You're doing the right thing

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Bruce shows me around the rest of the Avengers Compound. I agreed to becoming an Avenger. It's officially official. He has yet to actually introduce me to who my team will be.

"What do you think?"

"I feel like this is exactly what I need."

"I'm glad to hear that."

I think my real turning point in agreeing is for Strange. He would've wanted me to do this and I am for him.

"I'm sorry about Stephen."

"You guys lost an Avenger."

"You lost family."

Strange was my family. Even through our ups and downs. I miss him everyday. Everything I'm doing is for him.

"And here's your team."

He holds his hands up to a group of people around my age. One of them walks towards me. She has long black hair and a scar on her left cheek.

"Kate Bishop."

I look at her bow in her hand. My heart sinks a little bit.

"An archer?" I say. "I knew an archer.."

"This is Clint's oldest daughter." Bruce says. "Cassie Lang, Peter Parker, Kamala Khan and Elijah Bradley."

I slightly wave my hand in the air.

"Liv McCall."

"We know."


"It's all Stephen talked about."

I look down. It's hard to believe he's actually gone. Growing up I didn't think he could be killed. And yet he's not here anymore.

"Sorry." Cassie says. "He just.. he really loved you."

"I know."

I compose myself before looking back up. I look at the faces in front of me, not recognizing any of them. It hits me that I will have to say goodbye to my family in Beacon Hills. The people I'm looking at will be my new family.

"I look forward to getting to know all of you." I force a smile. "But I've gotta go."

I throw a portal and walk through it. I plop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. It seems like just yesterday I found out about me being the Tribrid. Oh how the time's have changed.



"Can I come in?"

I sit up and my mom walks in. She looks so tired. She must've just gotten home from work.

"Hi, mom."

She sits next to me. I haven't told her about the whole Avengers thing. I don't know how she'll react. But I think she knows something is up.

"Got anything to tell me?"

"Scott told you, didn't he?"


"I'm gonna kill him."

She chuckles but is back to her serious face. I need to tell her, that's the bottom line. She needs to hear it from me.

"I'm gonna be an Avenger."

She takes a deep breath and looks straight forward. She's feeling a whole array of emotions.

"I'm sorry.."

"Sorry?" She looks back at me. "Baby, don't be sorry. You are going to be a hero.. it's I always expected of you."

Tears start filling her eyes. She's scared. I knew she would be. There's so much unknown when it comes to being an Avenger. It's a dangerous job but someone needs to do it.


"I'm not sad. I mean I am but.. you were always meant for greater things than this town."

Hearing her say those words breaks my heart. I don't want to say goodbye to her. She's the reason I turned my humanity back on. She's everything to me. She's the best mother I could've asked for and more.

"Your father's going to be pissed."

I laugh. He will be.

"You're doing the right thing. I'll miss you so much."

"I'm not gone yet."

"I know."

She pulls me in for a hug.

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