72| What did you do!

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Bella stares at me blankly.

"Don't fight back."


"She's coming."

I jolt up and look around. I go to my bathroom and splash my face with cold water. She's dead. I watched her die twice. She can't be alive.

"Kira's here!"

I slept in past my alarm. I quickly change and run downstairs with my bag. Ashley is already gone which means Scott probably brought her to school.

I walk out to Kira's car. I get in and can't hold it in. I have to talk to someone about it and why not her.

"I think I'm going crazy."


"I had a best friend named Bella. She was Emma Frost's daughter and we did everything together. And she died because of me."

Kira starts driving, letting me talk.

"She was resurrected by Ursula and I couldn't fight her. Davina reversed the spell and I lost her all over again. But I'm seeing her again."

"It could just be your subconscious?" She says. "I mean if you feel guilty."

"I came to terms with her being gone. Like really gone. It still hurts but.." I trail off. "I don't think it's my Bella."

She pulls into the parking lot.

"What do you mean not your Bella?"

I don't think it's as far fetched as I first thought. It's not improbable.

"I think she's from a different universe."

She looks at me with wide eyes. She doesn't know what to say.

"We all have variants on different universes.. it's not crazy."

"But is it possible?"

"If there is an opening in the multiverse then yes."

"Why?" She asks. "I mean why would she help her if she was your best friend?"

"I don't know.."

I get out of her car and we walk towards the school. I don't really know what's happening. It feels so much different than when Ursula was after me. I knew her, I knew what she was capable of. I don't know shit about Delia.

I look down the hall at Stiles. He looks at me and I sneak into my first class. Bio rolls around and I find myself being looked at. I turn around and look at Theo. He smiles and waves. I face the front again. I don't know how to feel about him. I don't know how much I trust him.

I try to pay attention to Ms. Finch. I look over at the door as Liam waves his hand up. He tries to get Scott's attention. I raise my hand in the air.

"Ms. Finch, I have to go to the bathroom."

"Class just started."

"I have my period."

A couple of the guys in class groan.

"Okay, fine, go but be fast."

I grab my things and walk out.

"What's wrong?"

"Tracy is here. She's in history."

I look at Scott in the room. He nods his head that he heard. I grab Liam's shoulders, pushing him down the hall. I slightly hold my hand up, flicking my pointer and middle finger down as we pass the fire alarm.

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now