60| This wasn't my finest hour..

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I walk into school with Kira by my side.

"Okay, so I was thinking.. what if we throw you a death party?"

"A death party?"

"Yes!" She exclaims. "To celebrate your life before being a vampire."

"You realize I have no friends, right?" I say. "And I also already technically died."

"They'll all get over it."

She's so hopeful.

"I killed innocent people.."

"It wasn't you."

I force a smile and nod. She's partially right. It wasn't me but it was at the same time.

"Hey, Kira, you ready?"

Malia walks towards us. I shouldn't have anger towards her. She didn't know about me and Stiles. And yet I still fucking hate her.

Just her presence alone makes me want to bang my head against the wall. She knows nothing about what down between us and she still tries to put in her opinion.


"That is my cue to go."

I turn around and start walking down the hall when Malia grabs my arm. I turn around so fast.

"You should apologize to Stiles."

"How about I don't."

"He deserves an apology."

"And you should stay out of other people's business."

"Don't be a bitch."

"You haven't even seen bitch yet."

"Okay!" Kira says. "Let's go."

Isaac walks towards me. He tries to hide his smile.

"I'll punch you."


I told him sleeping together is a one time thing but maybe it'll do me some good to have a distraction on hand.

He walks with me to my locker. I open it and he leans against the one next to me.

"He's staring."

I turn around to Stiles. He quickly looks away. We haven't really talked since I came back. I didn't want to. We got into one big screaming match and that's about it.

"I don't care."

I slam my locker and walk around him. He continues to follow me. I head to towards the boys locker rooms, crashing my lips onto his. Distraction. Great distraction.


Scott rolls his eyes, walking between us. I wipe my lipgloss off of Isaac's lips. I leave him to go to practice, pulling out my phone to get an update from Hailey. I don't pay attention, bumping into a boy.


"It's fine."

I walk around him. I look over my shoulder, stopping myself to help him grab his stuff he dropped. I hand him his lacrosse stick.

"Liam Dunbar."

"I don't care."

I finally walk away. I head out to my car, driving to the sheriffs station. Elena waits by her squad car. She stands up once she sees my car. I get out, walking towards her.

It's been hard. Living with this guilt. I killed innocent people but I also killed people I loved. I killed Davina like she meant nothing to me when she meant the world.

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now