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Arielle and Stefan were waiting for Klaus to give them the okay to go into the warehouse. Apparently he wanted to talk to his sister first and then introduce Stefan and Arielle.

Stefan started walking into the warehouse so Arielle took it as a sign to follow him. When they went in, Arielle saw a blonde women, who she immediately knew was Rebekah.

The blonde's eyes flickered from Arielle to Stefan, "Stefan?" she whispered, almost in disbelief.

Stefan just stood there, not recognizing the women at all. Until Klaus compelled him to remember. He closed his eyes, for what felt like hours, and when he opened them, he kept looking in-between Klaus and Rebekah.

"I remember you." he mumbles at Klaus, "We were friends."

Klaus gave him a soft pat on the shoulder, "We are friends." he corrected before turning to his sister.

"And now the reason you're here." he began, "Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch."

"The original witch?" she questioned.

Klaus nodded, "What do you have that Gloria needs?"

Rebekah goes to touch her neck and she realized something was missing, "Where's my necklace?" she questioned worridly, "What did you do with it? I never take it off." she yelled.

"I don't know. I didn't touch it." Arielle looked over at Stefan and realized he knew something.

"We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back." she demanded.

"Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah." Klaus yelled back.

Rebekah turned to her coffin and flipped it over, causing it to break before storming out of the warehouse.

"That went well." Arielle muttered.


Arielle was now laying down re-reading the first Hunger Games book, when Rebekah walked in, making her sit up and set her book aside.

"Umm....hi?" she watched attentively as Rebekah took a chair and set it infront of the bed and sat down.

The older women studied her without saying a word, "Do I have something on my face or...?" she questioned.

"No." she denied simply, "I'm just-"

"Feeling weird with the modern times?" Arielle cut off.

"Yes, something like that." Rebekah confirmed.

Arielle let out a small giggle, "Well, we don't stare at people in the twenty-first century." she informed, "Unless you're an old man, a creep or Damon Salvatore."

Rebekah furrowed her brows, "Excuse me? What?"

The were-witch shook her head, "Nothing, forget it." she told her. They sat in silence for a couple more moments until Arielle spoke up again.

"Do you like to shop?" she asked.

"Yes." the blonde replied hesitantly, "Why?"

Arielle smiled, "Because my sister has your brothers card information and we are going to waste all his money." she informed standing up and grabbing her laptop.

"With that flat box?" Rebekah questioned.

Arielle tried her best to not laugh as much as she wanted to, "It's called a laptop and we'll use it to make Klaus mad."

"Say no more." she announced standing up, "What do I have to do?"

"Well, you could start by ordering room service and then picking out the most expensive things." the younger girl said with a wicked smile.

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