Chapter 51: In The Heart's Deep End

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Kelly was the first to get out of the pool, heading inside to finish the final touches for dinner. Bailey joined her after a few minutes to help her mother, leaving Quincy and Taylor alone in the pool.

Taylor had been occupied talking with Bailey and Kelly, not noticing Quincy swimming effortlessly around, moving through the water as if it were her second home.

She was surprised when she turned to look for Quincy but couldn't see her, only to feel a hand graze her ankle, making her step back with a small squeal.

Quincy surfaced, brushing her hair back, now standing in front of Taylor. "I wanted to pull you under, but I decided against it," she admitted, a playful glint in her eyes.

Taylor laughed, "Thanks for reconsidering."

Quincy lowered herself back into the water, drifting on her back. Taylor's eyes lingered on Quincy's muscular form, tracing the lines of her abs and thighs. Blood rushed to her cheeks, making her turn away and splash her face with water to cool down.

Quincy splashed Taylor as she walked to the steps. Taylor spun around, looking at Quincy, who feigned innocence also turning around. Not letting it go, Taylor splashed Quincy back.

"You're gonna regret that, Swift!" Quincy teased, lunging forward and sending a bigger splash her way.

"Bring it on, Chewie!" Taylor shot back, giggling as she splashed water at the brunette.

A playful splash war ensued, filled with laughter and empty threats. Determined to win, Quincy advanced on Taylor, a relentless onslaught of splashes.

Taylor backed up and ended up caught in a corner with no escape. Quincy placed her hands on the edge of the pool, caging the shorter woman in.

Taylor pushed back into the corner, placing her hand on Quincy's stomach to keep her at a distance. "Truce?"

Quincy grinned, "Only if you admit I'm the winner."

"Fine," Taylor sighed dramatically. "You're the winner."

Quincy took the victory, grinning and striking her archer pose. Taylor watched her, in awe of Quincy's muscles and the way the sun reflected off her face, illuminating her victorious grin.

"Did you really think you could beat me?" Quincy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Taylor laughed, "Not really, but it was fun trying."

Quincy noticed Taylor's thoughtful expression and poked her cheek to snap her out of it. Taylor smiled, spotting the small grin on her bodyguard's face.

Quincy saw Taylor's red cheeks and asked if she had put on sunscreen. When Taylor shook her head, Quincy frowned slightly and pointed at her face. "You might have burnt a bit."

Taylor, distracted by Quincy's muscles and touched by her concern, shook her head and slipped her arms around Quincy's torso, resting her head on her chest.

Quincy gently wrapped her arms around Taylor's shoulders. "You know, you could've just asked for a hug," she teased, her voice soft.

Taylor smiled, her eyes closed. "Yeah."

Bailey stood at the back door and called to the two in the pool to come inside per her mother's orders. Quincy gave her a thumbs-up, indicating they heard her. Bailey slipped back inside.

Taylor pulled out of the hug, her hands moving to Quincy's waist as she looked up at her.

Quincy gave her a childlike grin. "Kelly makes some of the best food ever."

Taylor laughed, "I'll take your word for it."

Quincy slid her hand down Taylor's arm, taking her hand and pulling her along as she rushed to get out of the pool. Taylor allowed Quincy to guide her, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the sun.

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