Chapter 42: Running in Circles

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Taylor sat alone in her hotel room, the remnants of another sleepless night scattered around her in the form of half-finished lyrics and crumpled notes. The echoes of her past relationships weighed heavily on her mind, and one name kept resurfacing: Matty Healy.

Their on-again, off-again saga had left her with a string of "what ifs" and unresolved feelings. Matty was familiar, predictable in his unpredictability, and in some twisted way, comforting.

When Taylor started to feel the intensity of her true feelings for Quincy, it terrified her. Quincy was steady, reliable, honest, and deeply caring-everything that Matty wasn't.

The idea of letting herself be vulnerable with Quincy, of potentially falling in love, felt overwhelming. So, she ran to the familiar chaos of Matty, seeking solace in the known tumult rather than facing the terrifying unknown.

But in running from her feelings, Taylor inadvertently pushed Quincy out. She held Quincy at arm's length, finding annoyance in her attempts to do her job and even in her kindness.

Quincy, once her trusted protector and confidante, was now reduced to a mere shadow, her expressions a mask of professionalism hiding the hurt beneath.

Taylor knew, deep down, that her actions were hurting Quincy. She could see it in the way Quincy would become more guarded, her eyes betraying the pain that her stoic demeanour tried to conceal.

But Taylor felt trapped in the cycle she had created, clinging to the idea that she needed to finish what she had started with Matty.

Quincy, for her part, continued to do her job with unwavering dedication. Despite the coldness from Taylor and increasing attention from fans, she remained vigilant, ensuring her safety and well-being.

But the distance between them was palpable, and it was slowly eating away at Quincy.

One evening, after a particularly gruelling performance in Rio, Quincy found herself standing outside Taylor's dressing room, her heart heavy with unspoken words.

She knew she needed to talk to Taylor to understand what had changed between them, but the fear of rejection held her back.

Inside the dressing room, Taylor sat on the couch, staring at her reflection in the mirror. The makeup and glitter couldn't hide the fatigue in her eyes. She had felt the tension with Quincy growing, and it was becoming harder to ignore.

With a deep breath, Quincy knocked on the door and entered. Taylor looked up, surprised but not unkind.

"Taylor, we need to talk," Quincy said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

Taylor nodded, gesturing for Quincy to sit down. The silence between them was heavy, filled with the weight of unspoken emotions.

Her initial intention to confront Taylor about the shift in their dynamic crumbled the moment she saw those starry blue eyes. The feelings stirring within her were unfamiliar and overwhelming, making her resolve falter. She fumbled for a topic, desperately searching for something to say.

"Bailey!" she blurted out, her goddaughter always on her mind. Quincy looked around nervously, trying to come up with a plausible second topic.

Taylor lit up at the mention of Bailey, thinking Quincy was still willing to talk about her family. She didn't realise Quincy was desperately trying to avoid being vulnerable in front of her.

"Bailey held a small party where she and a few friends watched your concert together," Quincy said, her voice steadier now.

Taylor smiled, happy to hear her art brought people together. An idea struck her. "Why dont we invite Bailey to one of the shows? I'm sure she'd enjoy it."

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