036, cinnamon, cherry and roses!

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MARCH CAME AROUND and Loralei had finally mastered the Amortentia potion

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MARCH CAME AROUND and Loralei had finally mastered the Amortentia potion. No surprise, she immediately recognised the smell; Fred. The duo finally made their relationship official two weeks ago, which confused Cerise — She thought they were already together, but nevertheless, she was over the moon for them. Loralei was currently sat on Fred's bed with her boyfriend, both waiting for George and Cerise to return to the dormroom. Fred had sent George to collect Cerise, and with much confusion, George did as he was told.

"Do you think they'll smell each other?" Loralei asked Fred curiously.

Fred nodded. "I don't think," he said to her, "I know. They're, like, meant to be. Everyone can see it now, they can't hide their feelings."

"Cerise —"

"Cerise can't hide it anymore," Fred interrupted Loralei, giving her a knowing look, "She has the look in her eyes and she smiles differently when she's with my brother."

"I know," Loralei said, "But it's Cerise... Don't get me wrong, I love the girl so much, but she isn't going to admit her feelings, at least not to George. Even with the Amortentia, she isn't going to admit it to him."

"GEORGE!" came a very familiar voice, "WE STILL HAVEN'T SPOKE ABOUT THE KISS!"

Angelina entered the dormroom and looked around, "Where's George? And why does this room smell like him?"

Loralei and Fred exchanged a look. "Kiss?" Fred repeated, "What kiss?"

Angelina sighed, and told Fred and Loralei about their kiss. The couple exchanged a glance. "Does George always wear cherry chapstick?" Angelina asked as she finished ranting.

Loralei started to laugh.

"George wears cherry chapstick?" Fred asked, eyes wide with amusement as he grinned. "I am so gonna tease him about that later."

"Don't be so stupid!" Loralei exclaimed, "Cerise does, not George."

"What?" Angelina asked. "Does that mean—"

"Yes," Fred interrupted, "My brother and Cerise kissed before he kissed you. Now, if you would kindly get out of my dormroom, that'd be appreciated."

Angelina felt a smile appear on her face. "That's a good thing!" Angelina exclaimed as she opened the door, "It means they kissed and then he realised his feelings for me, I need to go find him."

"Yeah, you do that," Loralei said in confusion, as Angelina shut the door behind her and ran off. "How is someone so delusional?"

Fred shrugged, "I can't wait for George to break her heart." He stated. "That girl needs some sense knocked into her."

Loralei sighed and shook her head. "George is too nice to break her heart," she said, rolling her eyes. "He won't do it."

"Someone has to," Fred muttered, "Angelina thinks something is going on between her and George, when anyone who isn't blind knows he's in love with Cerise, not her."

"Harry's blind," Loralei pointed out, a smirk on his face, "And he can tell he's in love with Cerise."

"Why does this room smell like Cherry?" George asked as he and Cerise entered his dormroom. "And I don't mean the fruit, I mean Cherry." He pointed at Cerise.

Cerise furrowed her eyebrows. She had no idea what George was talking about, because all she could smell was cinnamon, cherries and roses. She could smell George. She looked at Loralei, and then at Fred, who both wore smirks, and then her eyes widened.

Everything made sense now. Loralei's piece of parchment with a list of observations she's made on Cerise and George, Loralei studying Amortentia when Snape wasn't even teaching them Amortentia yet ( she had asked Angelina, who gave a full rant about how she can't wait to study Amortentia because of George ), and the looks Loralei and Fred always gave George and Cerise. It all made perfect sense.

"You really think it smells like Cerise?" Loralei smirked, sharing a knowing glance with Fred. "Because all I can smell is cinnamon, firewhiskey and... Fred's cologne."

"You have got to be kidding me," Cerise muttered, her face flushed as she glanced at George, who still hadn't made the connection. She watched as his eyes widened and his face went bright red.

"What do you smell, Cerise?" Fred questioned, tilting his head. Cerise decided not to answer his question, instead she just shrugged, avoiding George's eyes. Loralei gave her a knowing look.

George could feel the aching in his heart as Cerise just shrugged. Maybe she didn't have feelings for him after all.

"I think we should head down to dinner, I am starving." Cerise said, rushing out of the room and running down the stairs that lead to the boys dorms.

"You're always starving," Loralei stated as they followed after the girl. Cerise gave them a small shrug and an innocent smile. That was true, she was always hungry.

As they made their way into the Great Hall, Cerise was the first one to spot the red letter hovering by Hermione. A howler. Cerise rushed forward, listening to it as it threw insult after insult towards the bushy-haired girl.

She sat herself next to Hermione, who looked at her bandaged hands with a frown on her face. "What the fuck is going on?"

Hermione looked at her. Noticing the tears in her eyes, Cerise pulled the girl into a tight hug. "I know it's hard, but try your hardest to ignore them. They're all stupid for believing this stupid Skeeter woman. Anyone who knows you should know it's all a load of bollocks made up by some mad woman, who's only annoyed because she can't get any dick in her sorry little life."

Hermione snorted and wiped her eyes. Though, she struggled due to the bandages. "From now on," Cerise said, "Send me every letter and parcel you receive; I'll check it for you first."

Hermione shook her head. "I can't let you do that!" She exclaimed, "What if you end up with boils all over your hands? That's what happened to me, my fingers are still swollen and sore."

"Hermione Jean Granger," Cerise said as Loralei, Fred and George sat by them, listening in on their conversation. "I'd rather it be me that gets hurt by these cursed letters, than it be you."

A/N: So George thinks Cerise doesn't have feelings for him now... yikes!

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