037, the good news!

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EASTER HAD COME AND gone, much to Cerise's dismay

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EASTER HAD COME AND gone, much to Cerise's dismay. Easter going only meant that the Summer term had arrived. The third and final task had arrived. Cedric had gone down to the Quidditch field for Bagman to tell the champions about the third task, leaving Cerise alone with Oliver. Loralei had gone up to bed an hour ago, which surprised Cerise. Loralei was often in the common room until Cerise went to bed, and then she would go to bed, but she had been with Fred for hours and came back exhausted.

Cerise had a feeling she knew what happened. Loralei's flushed face, and messy hair was a giveaway.

Oliver climbed onto Cerise's lap, and began to purr. He was tired, so Cerise let him lay there so he could fall asleep.

After about an hour of Cerise daydreaming about random things ( well, about George, but the daydreams are a story for another day ), the door to the common room opened and Cedric entered.

"Are you alright, Ced?" She asked.

Cedric looked half worried and half ecstatic. She didn't think it was possible for someone to have two incredibly different emotions on their face, but here Cedric Diggory was, proving her wrong.

"Bad news or good news first?" Cedric asked, sitting next to Cerise and passing her a few cupcakes he grabbed from the kitchens on the way to the common room.

"Bad," Cerise answered, immediately biting into the cupcake covered in chocolate frosting. "That way the good news cancels out the bad news."

"The final task is a maze," Cedric told her, "With obstacles in the way — Spells, creatures, and all sorts. The trophy would be a portkey that will bring us out of the maze."

Cerise frowned. "Of all things... a maze?" She said, eyebrows furrowing together. "Do they want someone to die or something? Cedric, please do not enter the maze. Fake going into labour or something."

Cedric looked at Cerise weirdly. "I am not a woman, and I am not pregnant."

Cerise nodded. "That's why I said fake going into labour," she said as if it were obvious. "Please don't go into the maze. I might just kill you if you do."

Cedric laughed. "Don't be dramatic!" He exclaimed, "I'll be okay, and I'll be safe, I promise."

"Pinky promise?" Cerise said, holding up her pinky.

Cedric grinned, wrapping his pinky around hers. "I pinky promise."

Cerise grinned, "Okay, so what's the good news?"

"You're having a nephew!" Cedric exclaimed, before looking around with wide eyes. "And Cho said she wants to speak to us first thing tomorrow morning."

THE NEXT MORNING CAME QUICKLY and much to Cerise's dismay, she and Cedric had met up with Cho in the Great Hall. Cerise ignored the looks her friends all gave her as she sat by the couple quietly. Cho was using a spell that hides baby bumps, but Cerise knew she was nearing the end of her pregnancy now. She had weird cravings, Cho was eating toast with pickles and nutella on the side, making Cerise purse her lips in disgust as she happily ate normal toast.

"What did you want?" Cerise asked, her mouthful with toast. Seeing Cedric's look, she swallowed and asked again, "What did you want to talk to us about?"

"I wanted to talk to you," Cho replied, a small smile on her face, "Ceddy-Bear already knows what I wanted to talk to you about."

Cerise had to refrain herself from rolling her eyes at the nickname as she gave Cedric a look of betrayal. "You lied to me," she frowned, "You said you have no clue what this talk was about."

Cedric shrugged innocently. "I knew you'd force me to tell you," he said, "And Cho was really excited to be the one to tell you, so I wasn't going to ruin that for her."

Cho reached across the table and grabbed Cerise's hand, "We want you to be the godmother," Cho said with a smile, "We spoke about it, and we would really love it if you would accept. I even got Cedric to agree on having George be the godfather."

"Why George?" Cerise wondered curiously.

"Aren't you two dating?" Cedric asked.

Cerise scoffed. "No?" She replied, "I can't speak for him, but I'd love to be the godmother to my nephew."

Cho smiled brightly. "We'll talk to George about it once Baby is here," she said, giving Cerise a small smile before glancing over at the Gryffindor table, "I think they want you."

Cerise looked behind her, and sure enough, all of her friends were staring at her. However, once they all noticed Cerise was looking at them, they went back to talking and having their breakfast.

Cerise sighed and stood up, "I'll see you later — Before the last task." She said to Cedric, giving him a tight-lipped smile and approaching her friends at the Gryffindor table. "Since when do we stare?" She asked them.

Immediately, they all burst into chatter, denying the accusations of them staring. George, however, stayed quiet. Cerise looked at them all in amusement, "Y'know, I don't blame you all for staring — I am fit as fuck."

"Yes, you are," Loralei grinned, "What did the devil's spawn want?"

"Who? Cho?" Cerise asked. Everyone nodded.

"Yeah, I thought we still didn't like her?" Loralei said, confusion clear in her voice.

"Oh," Cerise shrugged, "I don't know — Ced asked me to sit with them for the first half of breakfast because it's the final task today."

A/N: This is a filler because I didn't want to dive straight into the task. Anyways, prepare yourselves!

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