47. Insecurity Interlude

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In the mansion, everyone was exhausted after the hectic day; all of the family members were getting ready for bed. Hoseok was in his room, lying in bed, and was just about to fall asleep when he heard a soft knock on his door.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

Hoseok groaned, rolled over, and reluctantly got up to open the door. To his surprise, there stood Jimin, looking as fresh as ever, with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What?" Hoseok asked, confused. "Why are you here at this hour?"

Jimin just wiggled his eyebrows at Hoseok, his arms folded across his chest. "Get ready, we're going somewhere."

Hoseok blinked, a big question mark practically visible on his face. "Somewhere? Now? Did you hit your head or something?"

Jimin sighed dramatically, as if explaining something to a child. "You told me to take you to see the nightlife of Busan. Remember? If you want to go, get ready and come downstairs. I'll be waiting," he said, examining his nails with exaggerated indifference.

It finally clicked for Hoseok, and he grinned widely. "Oh, right! Thanks for reminding me. You’re not that bad after all, Pink Vixen. Give me two minutes."

Jimin's jaw clenched at the nickname, a surge of irritation coursing through him. He wanted to smack Hoseok for it but chose to keep quiet. 

True to his word, Hoseok quickly got dressed and made his way downstairs to the dark and silent living room. He found Jimin standing by the door, looking like he had all the patience in the world.

As they left the mansion, Hoseok couldn't contain his excitement. "So, where are we going? Are we going to meet some pretty guys?"

Jimin smirked. "Oh, you'll never forget this night," he said with an evil smile, his eyes gleaming in the dim light.

Hoseok, oblivious to the ominous tone, nodded eagerly. "Great! Let's go!"

They had been walking for about ten minutes when Hoseok started to notice the surroundings. The road was completely deserted, shrouded in darkness. The streetlights cast long, eerie shadows, and there wasn’t a single soul in sight. The only sounds were their footsteps and the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. Hoseok’s steps became slower and more hesitant, while Jimin strode confidently ahead.

"Uh, Pink Vixen ," Hoseok called, his voice wavering. "Where exactly are we going? I thought we were heading to a club or somewhere nice, but this... this looks like an abandoned neighborhood."

Jimin stopped in front of a large, dark, and ominous mansion surrounded by overgrown trees. The mansion looked like something straight out of a horror movie, with broken windows, creaking shutters, and ivy creeping up its walls. The faint glow of the moonlight made it appear even more ghostly and foreboding. "We're here," he announced.

Hoseok’s eyes widened, and he let out a nervous laugh. "Are you serious? This place looks haunted. Let's just go back."

Jimin turned to him, his face illuminated by a sinister grin. "Come on, it's an adventure. Let’s test our courage."

Hoseok shook his head, feeling the creeping tendrils of fear. "No way, This place gives me the creeps."

Ignoring his protests, Jimin grabbed Hoseok's hand and dragged him towards the mansion. They entered the dark hall, the only sound being their footsteps echoing off the walls. The interior was just as terrifying as the exterior, with cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, old, dusty furniture covered in sheets, and an eerie silence that seemed to amplify every creak and groan of the house. Hoseok clung to Jimin, his heart pounding in his chest.

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