050, the beautiful sunrise!

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CERISE SIGHED AS THEY continued their conversation

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CERISE SIGHED AS THEY continued their conversation. As much as she really did want to know about everything that was going on... She was knackered. She could barely keep her eyes open.

"But if Voldemort's trying to recruit more Death Eaters it's bound to get out that he's come back, isn't it?" asked Harry desperately.

"Voldemort doesn't march up to people's houses and bang on their front doors, Harry," Sirius said. "He tricks, jinxes and blackmails them. He's well-practised at operating in secret. In any case, gathering followers is only one thing he's interested in. He's got other plans too, plans he can put into operation very quietly indeed, and he's concentrating on those for the moment."

"What's he after — apart from followers?" Harry asked swiftly.

"Stuff he can only get by stealth." Sirius answered. They all looked puzzled, so Sirius explained, "Like a weapon. Something he didn't have last time."

"When he was powerful before?" Cerise asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Yes." Remus nodded.

"Like what kind of weapon?" said Harry. "Something worse than the Avada Kedavra—"

"That's enough!" Molly's arms were crossed and she looked furious. "I want you in bed, now. All of you."

"You can't boss us—" Fred began.

"Watch me," snarled Molly. She was trembling slightly as she looked at Sirius. "You've given Harry and Cerise plenty of information. Any more and you might just as well induct them into the Order straightaway."

"Why not?" said Harry quickly. "I'll join, I want to join, I want to fight."

"No." Remus said, shaking his head. "The Order is comprised only of overage wizards. Wizards who have left school," he gave Fred, Loralei and George a look, "There are dangers involved of which you can have no idea, any of you... I think Molly's right, Sirius. We've said enough."

Sirius half-shrugged but did not argue. Molly beckoned imperiously to all the children. Cerise was the first one up and running up the stairs. Immediately, she changed into her pyjamas and jumped into her bed.

She couldn't see. Everything was foggy, and her head was spinning. She waited for her eyes to adjust to the fog, and when they did, she let out a small but quiet gasp. She was standing in a graveyard.

She walked around, until she heard it... "Kill the spare," it said, and with a wave of a wand, a body landed flat on the ground.

She ran forward, tripping over a stone as she did-so. She had no idea where she was, she had never seen this graveyard before. As she landed on the floor, she let out a shriek.

Cedric's dead body lay on the ground. No one could see her, no one could hear her... "This is your fault," she heard from behind her. She turned around. Cedric. "You knew something bad was going to happen! You didn't try hard enough, Cerise. And now, thanks to you, I'm dead."

Cerise shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "N-No, Cedric." She whispered. "You don't mean that."

"It's your fault!"


Cerise jumped awake, pulling her knees up to her chest as the tears rolled down her face. She flinched away from Remus' touch. "Cerise," he said calmly, "It's okay, It's just me."

Cerise looked at him. "Remus?" She said quietly. He pulled her into a hug, and immediately, she started to sob. "I miss him."

"I know you do," he said, holding her in his arms tightly.

"It's my fault," she said, "I knew something bad was going to happen. I tried to get Dumbledore to cancel the maze and let Harry and Cedric tie. I should've tried harder. If I did, he would still be here right now. It's my fault."

"None of it is your fault," Remus said, "If anything, it's Dumbledore's fault. He should've listened to you when you said something was wrong. But, then again, he must've known something was wrong because he knows everything. It's not your fault."

"What time is it?" Cerise asked.

"Five," Remus told her. "I'm the only one awake — Thanks to my superhearing, I heard your screams and cries."

"I'm sorry," Cerise apologised. "You can go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you."

Remus shook his head. "Don't be stupid," he pulled her out of bed. "Get yourself dressed, and don't let anyone know I'm taking you out."

As Remus left the bedroom, Cerise quickly brushed her teeth and got changed into a pair of jeans and one of Cedric's old hoodies. Jay was awake now, and so, Cerise picked him up and left her bedroom.

Remus hadn't taken her far. He had only taken her to a field by a small cottage. Cerise wasn't sure where it was, she was pretty sure he said Wales, though. "It's peaceful," Remus told her, "I grew up in that cottage, I used to love looking at the sunrise to calm me down after a nightmare."

Cerise watched the sunrise. It was beautiful. Jay stared at the sunrise, a look filled with wonder on his face. Remus pointed at the clouds near the sunrise, "If you look close enough..."

"Cedric," Cerise murmured. Sure enough, the clouds had formed Cedric's face. A tear rolled down her cheek as Jay pointed at the cloud. It was as if Jay knew exactly who Cedric was. "Yeah, that's your dad."

Jay leaned his head on Cerise's shoulder as they both stared at the cloud. "Come on," Remus said, "We should go back. I think Molly'll be up and making breakfast in about half an hour."

"I want to make breakfast." Cerise muttered as they reappeared in the house. "I love Molly, but she barely lets me do anything."

"She's just worried about you," Remus told her as she placed Jay in his bed that was downstairs.

"I know," Cerise said, "But she can't always do everything herself — Cleaning and cooking and helping... That'll help take my mind off things more than lying in my bedroom."

Remus sighed and gave Cerise a small smile. "Start making breakfast," he said to her, "I'll help you, once I've made us two hot chocolates, and I'll speak to Molly later."

A/N: Remus is the dad Cerise never had... Well, she had a dad but Amos was a prick.

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