055, drowning!

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ONCE AGAIN, CERISE SPRUNG AWAKE, tears streaming down her face and her voice hoarse from all of the screaming

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ONCE AGAIN, CERISE SPRUNG AWAKE, tears streaming down her face and her voice hoarse from all of the screaming. From downstairs, Molly gave Remus a panicked look. Remus ran as fast as he could to her bedroom, and opened the door. Cerise looked at him, her eyes red and puffy.

It made sense now that Cerise thought about it. Remus was her godfather, and he cared for her more than her actual father ever had. It made sense now, why he was so worried about the girl all of the time.

"Come on," he said quietly, grabbing Jay, who woke up to Cerise's cries. "Come have breakfast with us, do you want a hot chocolate?"

Cerise nodded her head slightly as Remus lead her downstairs, where Tonks, Sirius, Arthur and Molly were sat, staring at the girl worriedly. "Sit," Remus said, pointing to the seat that was next to his, "I'll be back with a hot chocolate and a bottle for Jay."

Cerise smiled at him, before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She was surprised when she realised it wasn't Molly that was hugging her. It was Tonks.

Tonks didn't say anything to the girl, she just held her tightly in her arms. Cerise didn't know why, but she started to feel better the longer Tonks held her.

"Here," Tonks said quietly, taking Jay as Remus placed a hot chocolate in front of Cerise. She took the baby bottle off Remus and began to feed the baby.

Molly watched Tonks warily, as if she was expecting Tonks to drop the baby. Tonks looked at the woman, "I'm not going to drop him, I'm good with babies and kids."

Remus sat next to Cerise and gave her a small look, he was asking if she was okay. She nodded and slowly sipped on the hot chocolate. Everyone seemed to be dressed ready for the day, apart from Molly, who was still in her pyjamas.


The door was pushed open and Molly leapt to her feet the moment Harry entered. "Breakfast," she said as she pulled out her wand and hurried over to the fire.

"Morning, Harry," said Tonks. Her hair was blonde and curly this morning. "Sleep all right?"

"Yeah," said Harry.

"I've been up all night," she said, stifling a yawn. "Come and sit down. . ." She drew out a chair, knocking over the one beside it in the process. She swore loudly in annoyance.

"What do you want, Harry?" Molly called. "Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast?"

"Just—just toast, thanks," said Harry.

"Cerise?" Molly said, "Do you want anything?"

"Bacon, eggs and toast please," Cerise said, making the woman give her a sweet smile.

Remus glanced at Harry, then turned to Tonks, "What were you saying about Scrimgeour?"

"Oh. . . yeah. . . Well, we need to be a bit more careful, he's been asking Kingsley and me funny questions. . ."

After Molly placed a couple of pieces of toast and marmalade in front of Harry, she placed two pieces of toast, bacon and egg in front of Cerise—she put them in the toast to make a toasted bacon and egg sandwich.

". . . and I'll have to tell Dumbledore I can't do night duty tomorrow, I'm just too tired," Tonks finished, stifling another yawn.

"I'll cover for you," said Arthur. "I'm okay, I've got a report to finish anyway. . ." He turned to Harry, "How are you feeling?"

Harry shrugged.

"It'll all be over soon," Arthur said bracingly. "In a few hours' time you'll be cleared. The hearing's on my floor, in Amelia Bones's office. She's Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and she's the one who'll be questioning you."

"Amelia Bones is okay, Harry," said Tonks earnestly. "She's fair, she'll hear you out."

Harry nodded, and Cerise gave him a small smile as she finished the rest or her breakfast and drank more of her hot chocolate.

"Don't lose your temper," said Sirius abruptly. "Be polite and stick to the facts."

Harry nodded.

"The law's on your side," said Remus quietly. "Even underage wizards are allowed to use magic in life-threatening situations."

Cerise laughed at the look that came across Harry's face once Molly began attacking his hair with a wet comb. She tried her hardest to sort it out. "Doesn't it ever lie flat?" she said desperately.

Harry shook his head.

Arthur checked his watch and looked up at Harry. "I think we'll go now," he said. "We're a bit early, but I think you'll be better off at the Ministry than hanging around here."

"Okay," said Harry automatically, dropping his toast and getting to his feet.

"You'll be all right, Harry," said Tonks, patting him on the arm.

"Good luck," said Remus. "I'm sure it will be fine."

"And if it's not," said Sirius grimly, "I'll see to Amelia Bones for you. . ."

Harry smiled weakly as Molly hugged him. "We've all got our fingers crossed," she said. Cerise didn't know what she was supposed to do or say to Harry in a situation like this one, so she gave him a comforting smile and a tight hug.

"Right," said Harry. "Well. . . See you later then."

And with that, he and Arthur disappeared. Slowly, everyone started to leave the dining table, and soon, it was just Remus, Cerise and Tonks. Tonks still held Jay, she was changing her appearance to try and amuse the baby—it was working. Remus turned to Cerise, who was in a world of her own. "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" He asked.

Cerise shrugged. "It wasn't—It wasn't Cedric this time," she said quietly, "I don't know who it was—it could've been no one—but I was in their position. I was drowning, and every time I tried to get out of the water, someone... something was dragging me under."

"Where were you?" Remus wondered, "In the dream."

Cerise shook her head, "I don't—I don't know," she muttered. "It was scary, though."

"Are you a seer?" Tonks asked, making them both look at her. "It makes sense for you to be a seer—"

"I don't see the future," Cerise said, "It's like... It's like I can see the past, but not all of the past, just people's deaths. . . Who drowned?"

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