Reece and Marjorie both got ready for Marjorie's nieces birthday party.
"Aurora is gonna love you." Marjorie said, putting her phone in her pocket.
"I hope so." Reece said, kissing her head.
"Her mom is one of my childhood best friends. We haven't seen each other since Aurora turned 1. I'm ready to see the both of them." Marjorie said, playing with her hands.
"Well, I can't wait to meet them, gorgeous." Reece replied, taking both of her hands in his.Marjorie insisted on driving to the party, even though Reece offered so Marjorie could try to calm her nerves. Reece loves the way Marjorie drives. She drives with one hand, and it's 'super sexy' according to Reece.
"Marjorie," Reece started. "How do you drive with one hand? It makes me nervous if I let go of the steering wheel for a split second."
"Honestly, I don't know. It's oddly comforting. I remember being with my childhood best friends and their moms would drive with one hand, and I guess I found it super cool as a child. When I learned to drive, I kept that memory. Makes me think of all the good times I had when I was younger." Marjorie replied, sighing.
"Well for one, you do look cool. And it's another thing that makes me more attracted to you." Reece said, placing his hand on her thigh, trying to get Marjorie to calm down. Marjorie smiled at him.They arrived at Auroras party. Marjorie and Reece got out of the car, and walked up to the steps of the house. Marjorie gently knocked on the door.
"Marge!!" A blonde woman opened the door, and pulled Marjorie into a hug.
"Kate! It's so good to see you my darling." Marjorie returned the hug, smiling from ear to ear.
"And you must be Reece." Kate broke the hug and pointed to Reece. "I have heard so much about you, Piranha."
"How did you—" Reece started, looking at Kate with a confused look on his face.
Marjorie started laughing. "Reece, I told her all good things I swear. I may or may not have mentioned your nickname. Sorry my love."Marjorie said, taking Reeces hand into hers.
Reece just shook his head, following Marjorie and Kate into the house."Auntie Marge!!!" A faint voice called from up stairs.
"Aurora!!" Marjorie called back, Aurora running down the stairs and jumping into her arms.Marjorie picked the four year old up, and spun her around.
"Remember how on FaceTime I told you that I have a boyfriend?" Marjorie asked Aurora. "Well this is him! Reece, this is Aurora, Aurora, this is Reece."
"Hi Reece!!" Aurora said, holding tightly onto Marjorie.
"Hi Aurora!! It's so lovely to meet you." Reece smiled at the girl cuddled into Marjorie's arms.
"Reece? Can you come play princess tea party with me?" Aurora asked.Marjorie and Kate both looked at Aurora, and then looked at Reece. Reece mouthed "it's fine" to both of the women.
"Sure!" Reece said. Marjorie put Aurora down, and she immediately took Reece's hand and dragged him into the living room.
"Have fun!" Kate and Marjorie called out.
"God it's been forever since I saw you last." Marjorie turned to face Kate.
"I know. We talk all the time but it's so good to see you in person." Kate said, handing Marjorie a glass of wine.The two ladies spent what seemed like forever catching up. Marjorie updating Kate on her work life, and Kate doing the same. All of a sudden, they heard faint giggling coming from the other room.
Kate and Marjorie looked at each other with a concerned look on their faces. They both walked into the living room to find Reece surrounded by a bunch of kids.
"Close your eyes." One kid called out, putting bright blue eyeshadow on Reeces eyelids.
"Oh. My. God." Marjorie said. "What are they doing to him??"
Kate started laughing hysterically at the sight in front of her.
"Can I help you ladies?" Reece looked up, covered in makeup done by a bunch of little kids.
"Oh nothing." The women said.
"Just admiring the view." Marjorie said, hysterically laughing.Marjorie and Kate walked back into the kitchen, and Reece got up from the floor and followed them.
"I didn't know a princess tea party consisted of a makeover." Reece said.
"I think you look fabulous, my love." Marjorie looked at Reece up and down. He was also covered in stickers.Kate just watched the couple interact. She noticed the way Reece looks at Marjorie, like she's the only woman on this planet.
"Well my love, Reece and I best be going." Marjorie said, setting down the wine glass and pulling Kate into a hug.
"I'm so glad you came. I'm so happy for you, seems like Reece is the perfect guy for you. And he's great with kids. You are so lucky." Kate whispered, holding Marjorie close.
"Yeah. I did get lucky. He's like a golden retriever." Marjorie whispered back, giggling at her last comment.Marjorie and Reece said goodbye to Aurora, and the other kids and their families. Both of them walked out the door and headed to their car.
"You didn't have to do that you know. Become a pretty princess for the day." Marjorie said, unlocking the car and getting in.
"I wanted to." Reece replied, also getting in the car. "It made her happy and that's what matters. You have to protect their innocence as long as you can."
"I love you Reece. I have no idea how I got so lucky with you. You are so incredibly kind, gentle, and loving. You also defend me whenever, wherever." Marjorie said, planting a kiss on Reeces lips.
"I'm the lucky one, gorgeous." Reece said, winking. "You are so kind and sweet it's amazing. But you also have a backbone, and you are willing to go crazy, if it means defending the people you love. I love you to the moon and to saturn."Marjorie teared up at his last comment, but then quickly started giggling.
"I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously with the makeup on." Marjorie's giggles turned into laughter.
"Oh shut up." Reece replied, rolling his eyes.—————————————————————————
A/Ngoodness this was a long one but I hope you enjoyed <3

marjoreece one shots 💖
Romancevarious one shots of Marjorie and Reece, MOSTLY all cute and innocent <3 mostly added as some chapters are a little dark (ex. reeces past, marjorie's past, etc. nothing smutty dw) characters belong to the nursery nurse!