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"I'm sure you think that every woman on the planet likes you Reece." Marjorie said, rolling her eyes and clutching the folder to her chest.
"No, only one I actually care about." Reece said, taking a swig of his water.

"I still cant believe you liked me from the start." Marjorie said, sitting on the couch with Reece.
"Well I mean, look at you." Reece winked.
"Seriously Reece." Marjorie playfully smacked him. "What did you see in me?"
"You had me in a chokehold the minute you walked into that board meeting. Everything about you. The way you walk, talk, smell, look. The way you defend your staff members like your life depends on it. It's extremely attractive. Plus I've spent years listening to the tales of 'the legendary Marjorie.'" Reece said, looking at Marjorie.

Marjorie picked up her wine glass, taking a sip and looking back at Reece.

"Um... 'legendary Marjorie'?" Marjorie questioned.
"Yeah. Even though I wasn't officially a member of staff, I still had to attend the meetings. Roger, Siobhan, Aut, and me all had to attend. Aut would never say this to you, but she thinks of you as her best friend. She always said how she hated everyone at first but you." Reece replied, placing his hand on Marjorie's thigh.
"Wow." Marjorie said, her eyes getting glossy. "I'm assuming you have heard all about my villain era, and how much of a total bitch I was to everyone. If you met me a few years ago, we would not be sitting here, having this conversation."
"I don't think so. I've heard some of the stories. Honestly I don't think you were a bitch. After you told me about your past, I now understand why you acted that way. Don't forget I was an asshole too." Reece said, taking the glass out of Marjorie's hand and putting it on the table, and pulling her close.

Reece wrapped both his arms around Marjorie, and kissed the top of her forehead.

"Honestly I'm shocked you liked me back. I mean yes, it took you a minute to like me, but still. I for sure thought you would've hated me and never talk to me again after what Aut told you." Reece sighed.
"I always see the good in people. Some part of me knew from the start that there was a deeper reason for prom night. That it wasn't your fault at all and it was a huge misunderstanding. And I was right." Marjorie said, resting her head on Reeces chest. "You my love, have a wonderful heart. You went to hell and back to protect your sister. You defended her for the 20 years you two didn't speak. You briefly got back with Mia for me. I couldn't name another man who would do that for his sister, let alone a girl he liked."

Reece closed his eyes tightly, and held Marjorie tight. Marjorie just rubbed her hand on his chest.

"I love you." Reece said, holding back tears. "I fucking love you."
"I love you too." Marjorie smiled.

The two just sat there holding each other, talking about life in general. Marjorie occasionally rubbed Reeces arm or chest to comfort him when she felt him getting tense. Reece would rub her back when he felt Marjorie get tense too. After a few hours of talking, they just cuddled in comfortable silence, enjoying each other.

"I'm glad I found you, you know. I got tired of swiping on Tinder." Marjorie chuckled.
"Autumn also told me about your endless swiping." Reece laughed.
"Just think. I could've gone for your sister. She is a catch you know." Marjorie said, playfully smacking Reece.
"Oh god." Reece fake gagged and rolled his eyes.
"I'm kidding." Marjorie started laughing. "Mostly."
"Whatever." Reece replied, kissing Marjorie's head.
"But on a serious note, I am thankful for you. You are so good to me." Marjorie looked up and smiled at Reece. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."
"Hell, I don't know what I did to deserve you, gorgeous. You are an incredible woman." Reece looked down and kissed Marjorie on the lips softly.

Marjorie broke the kiss. "I'm just that bitch." She smirked.
"Yes, you are." Reece started laughing.

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