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Marjorie had picked up her phone, dialing Reeces number as she walked out of the nursery.

"Hey gorgeous, what's up?" Reece answered.
"Hey my love. I won't be at home right away because I have a hair appointment." Marjorie replied, getting in her car and pulling out of the nursery.
"Okay gorgeous. I'll see you when you get home. I love you." Reece said.
"I love you more my darling." Marjorie said, hanging up the phone.

Reece knew she had a hair appointment, but he didn't know what she was doing with it. That was gonna be a surprise. Marjorie had made the decision to chop off her hair into a bob, and dye it that dark plum. The color she had when her and Reece sorted things out at the seminar.

Marjorie pulled in the lot of the hair salon. She walked in and told the stylist exactly what she wanted. All of a sudden, her phone goes off.

Reece: Are you going to tell me what you are getting done to your hair?

Marjorie: No, you'll have to wait and see my love. ;)

Reece: Damn it. I'll see you when you get home.❤️

The stylist had finished Marjorie's hair and Marjorie instantly fell in love. The color, the cut, the layers, everything. She paid and tipped the stylist, and got in her car. Marjorie couldn't stop staring at herself. The fearless manager was already super confident, but this new do made her feel unstoppable. Marjorie sent Reece a quick text, letting him know she was on her way home.

Marjorie arrived home, and sat in the driveway for a few minutes. She picked up her phone and called Reece.

"Hey my love. I am at home, and I'm in the driveway. I need you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I walk inside, okay?" Marjorie asked, starting to get slightly anxious.
"Alright gorgeous." Reece replied. "My eyes are closed."
"Good." Marjorie said, hanging up the phone and getting out of the car.

Marjorie walked up to the front of the house, unlocking the door. When she walked in, she found Reece standing in the kitchen, his hands covering his eyes.

"Okay. Open your eyes!" Marjorie said, walking over to stand in front of him.

Reece opened his eyes and his jaw dropped. He looked Marjorie up and down, admiring this newfound confidence.

"Wow." Reece managed to mutter out.
"Do you like?" Marjorie said, smiling from ear to ear.
"I don't just like it, sweetheart. I fucking love it. You look so hot." Reece said, not taking his eyes off of Marjorie's hair.
"Good. I feel like a new woman with this style." Marjorie said, looking at Reece.

Reece pulled Marjorie in for a kiss, holding her tightly. Marjorie deepened the kiss, happy to see that her boyfriend is in love with her new hairstyle.

Reece pulled apart from the kiss. "How is it that you got more stunning? I mean look at you!" He pointed to Marjorie's hair and the outfit she was wearing.
"I don't know. I think I needed this confidence boost. I haven't told you this, but I just haven't been feeling myself." Marjorie said, loosening her grip on Reece and looking down at the floor.
"Gorgeous, why didn't you tell me?" Reece said, lifting Marjorie's chin up.
"I don't know. I know you love me no matter what. I truthfully don't know why I didn't tell you." Marjorie sighed.
"Well." Reece started. "I know you already know this, but you are fucking amazing. You had me a chokehold the minute you walked into that board room, and yelling at me for calling Winter a drip. You are absolutely stunning, and beautiful on the inside as well. I love this haircut and color on you." Reece finished saying to her, rubbing the sides of her arms.
"Thank you." Marjorie said, pulling in Reece for another hug.
"Wait. Isn't this the hair color you had when you called me out on my bullshit at the seminar?" Reece questioned.
"I was hoping you would notice, and yes, yes it is." Marjorie said, laughing.

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