Marjorie was waiting at home for Reece to come back. He had went out with Mia and some of their friends from university. Marjorie was just about to call him when she got a knock at the door.
"Reece I swear—-" Marjorie started, opening the door.
"Hi babe." Reece said, smirking.Mia was also there, rolling her eyes.
"And hello to you too. Hi Mia." Marjorie said.
Reece and Mia brushed past Marjorie and walked through the door. Before Marjorie could stop them, she caught a whiff of their scent. It wasn't their perfume/cologne, or alcohol, it was weed. They were stoned.
"Oh my god." Marjorie whispered. "This is gonna be fun."
Reece and Mia sat on opposite ends of the couch. Mia kept making snarky comments and Reece kept rambling on about Marjorie.
"Marjorieeeeeee." Reece called out.
"Ew dude why would you say her name like that." Mia snorted.
"Well at least my partner is here." Reece rolled his eyes.
"Char has her kids tonight. I don't want her or them seeing me like this." Mia sighed.
"Yeah whatever whatever." Reece laughed.Marjorie stifled a laugh as she grabbed two blankets from the closet.
"So you two had a fun night, eh?" Marjorie said, throwing the first blanket on Mia.
"We did indeed." Mia smirked, turning to face Reece. "Marjorie is hot."
"Dude quit hitting on my girlfriend." Reece scoffed.
"What? Am I not allowed to say she's attractive?" Mia asked.
"Thank you Mia." Marjorie interrupted. "Reece, be nice."
"You just got ridiculed." Mia started laughing.Reece rolled his eyes in response. Marjorie threw the second blanket on him.
"I'll be back. I'm gonna get my drink." Marjorie said, walking into the kitchen.
Marjorie grabbed her phone off the counter and dialed Autumn.
"Marjorie. Do you have any idea what time it is right now?" Autumn answered.
"Yes, I'm sorry. You need to come over now. You don't want to miss this." Marjorie held back a laugh.
"What's wrong?" Autumn said, changing her tone.
"Nothings wrong. Reece and Mia went out to see their friends from uni and well, they came back high as a kite." Marjorie laughed.Marjorie didn't hear a verbal response, instead she just heard Autumn grab her car keys.
"I'm on my way." Autumn smirked, hanging up the phone.
Marjorie put her phone in her pocket and went back into the living room and found Reece and Mia bickering.
"I can't believe you make me take a hit." Reece scoffed.
"Oh come on. When did you get so sensible?" Mia laughed.
"Because I've looked after you and Autumn my whole life." Reece crossed his arms.
"You didn't have to do that." Mia sighed.
"You know damn well I did. I'm gonna continue to do that for the rest of my life." Reece also sighed.Marjorie was about to interrupt when she heard the doorbell ring.
"Have I missed anything yet?" Autumn smirked.
"Just that Reece got mad that Mia called me hot." Marjorie laughed, opening the door.
"I mean, can you blame her?" Autumn looked Marjorie up and down, and walked to the couch.
"What is with everyone thinking I'm hot today?" Marjorie whispered.Reece looked up and saw Autumn.
"Hi little sis." Reece laughed.
"Hello big brother. Mia." Autumn looked at the two of them.
"What are you doing here?" Mia asked.
"She didn't want to miss us being stoned." Reece said.Mia nodded her head. Marjorie grabbed her and Autumn a glass of wine and the two of them sat on the coffee table in front of Reece and Mia.
"Marjorie." Reece piped up.
"Yes darling?" Marjorie set her wine glass down.
"Can I have a kiss?" Reece asked shyly.
"I suppose." Marjorie stood up.Autumn and Mia both gagged at the interaction. Marjorie walked over to Reece and placed a kiss on his lips.
"I love you." Reece said.
Autumn and Mia both snapped their heads around. What did Reece say? He's said it a thousand times to Marjorie, but never in front of anyone else. Especially Mia and Autumn.
"The last person he said that to was—" Mia started.
"Our mother." Autumn finished, taking a huge sip of her wine.
"Yep. He finally got the courage to say it to me, and now he tells me that at least a thousand times a day." Marjorie walked back over to the coffee table and smiled."Wow Reecey I'm proud of you." Mia playfully hit Reeces arm.
"Okay....?" Reece said, confused.Marjorie and Autumn sat in front of Mia and Reece for the next hour, watching them bicker over the stupidest things.
"Well, I best be going. This will come in handy for his 40th." Autumn smiled.
"You recorded some of that?" Marjorie questioned.
"Of course I did. It's too funny." Autumn touched Marjorie's hand. "Bye."
"Bye my love!" Marjorie said as she watched her walk out the door.Reece and Mia were both fighting sleep. Mia eventually fell asleep first, but Reece still refused.
"Darling why don't you sleep?" Marjorie asked.
"I can't." Reece sighed.
"What's wrong?" Marjorie stood up.
"I can't sleep without you." Reece shyly said.
"Oh." Marjorie blushed.Marjorie walked over to Reece and sat next to him, her hands on top of his legs. Reece relaxed at her touch and immediately fell asleep.
"Wow." Marjorie thought. "These two are in for a rude awakening in the morning."

marjoreece one shots 💖
Romancevarious one shots of Marjorie and Reece, MOSTLY all cute and innocent <3 mostly added as some chapters are a little dark (ex. reeces past, marjorie's past, etc. nothing smutty dw) characters belong to the nursery nurse!