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"How do you want your hair? Curled? Straight? Braided?" Marjorie asked, touching Carly's hair.
"I don't know." Carly sighed.
"Well. You've got a few more hours before the dance to decide. I'll be right back darling." Marjorie said, patting Carly's shoulder and leaving the bathroom.

Marjorie had walked downstairs to grab her phone, and she saw Reece pull up in the driveway.

"Hey gorgeous." Reece said, as Marjorie opened the front door.
"Hey my love. Carly's here. She's got a school dance in a few hours and her mom asked if I could help her get ready because she's away on a work trip." Marjorie smiled.
"Okay." Reece smiled, walking up to Marjorie to give her a kiss.

Marjorie walked in the house, Reece following behind.

"Marjorie! I've decided!" Carly called from upstairs.
"Coming darling!" Marjorie called back.
"I'm also coming upstairs." Reece looked at Marjorie.
"Okay, it's a disaster up there. You don't know how it is for us women to get ready for a dance." Marjorie laughed.

Marjorie ran up the stairs, Reece following behind her. She walked into the bathroom to meet Carly, who was still sitting on the stool in the bathroom.

"Hi Reece!" Carly saw him in the mirror.
"Hey Car." Reece smiled.
"Okay, I was thinking curls, like how you do yours. Simple but pretty." Carly said, turning on the curler for Marjorie.
"Sounds good." Marjorie smiled, grabbing her heat protectant out of the drawer.

Marjorie started parting Carly's hair to make it easier to curl. Reece just stood and watched, leaning on the doorframe.

"Are you meeting anyone there?" Reece asked.
"Well, just my mates." Carly smiled.
"Good, there better be no inappropriate things happening tonight." Reece smirked.

Marjorie and Carly rolled their eyes.

"I agree. If someone messes with you, call us. We mean it darling." Marjorie smiled, curling Carly's hair.
"Fine, okay." Carly laughed.
"We care about you." Reece said.
"Yes I know. Thank you work mum and dad." Carly rolled her eyes, still laughing.

It didn't take long for Marjorie to curl Carly's hair. No one knew, but Marjorie's talent was hair. Anytime when it came to styling or hair dye, Marjorie was the person her friends would call.

"What were you thinking about makeup?" Marjorie asked, spraying the curls with hairspray.
"Simple. Natural, nothing too fancy." Carly sighed.
"Do you want to do it?" Marjorie asked.
"Yes, but can you do eyeliner on me? I've never been able to do it, my hands shake too much." Carly replied.
"Of course my love." Marjorie gently brushed Carly's curls out.

Marjorie stepped out of the bathroom to let Carly do her makeup, and Reece once again followed her. Reece sat on the bed, sighing.

"What's wrong?" Marjorie asked, closing the bathroom door.
"Nothing. I'm okay." Reece looked up and smiled.
"You sure my love?" Marjorie sat next to him on the bed.
"Yeah, gorgeous. I'm fine." Reece put his head on Marjorie's shoulder.
"Is it Carly? I know we view her as our kid, so it's probably weird seeing her all grown up for a dance." Marjorie said, putting her arm around Reece.
"Yeah." Reece laughed. "She looks so grown up. Like you doing her hair, and you're about to do her eyeliner. It's weird to me. Autumn never really let me help with anything related to school dances."
"I know my love. As a guy, there's not much you can do to help us get ready. In the future, I can teach you if you want. Start with basics." Marjorie said, kissing his head.
"Really? You would do that?" Reece sat up.
"Of course!" Marjorie smiled.

"Marjorie I need help!" Carly called.
"Coming my love!" Marjorie shouted back.

Marjorie pulled Reece in for a kiss, and hugged him. She got off the bed and opened the bathroom door, and grabbed her eyeliner pen. She flawlessly put eyeliner on Carly, leaving Carly and Reece impressed.

"Wow Marjorie! Thank you so much! I'm gonna go get changed now." Carly turned around and hugged Marjorie.
"Of course darling. Anytime." Marjorie smiled.

Carly walked out of the bathroom and Marjorie & Reeces bedroom, and ran down the hall to the guest room where her dress was.

"You would make an excellent mum, you know." Reece said, looking at Marjorie.
"You would make an excellent dad. You're nothing like Roger. Remember that." Marjorie shut the bedroom door and sat next to Reece.
"And you're nothing like your mom. Remember that." Reece kissed Marjorie.

Reece and Marjorie just sat on the bed, holding each other. They got interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Right Reece, and Marjorie. Close your eyes I want to surprise you!" Carly yelled through the door.
"Okay. Our eyes are closed." Reece yelled back, looking at Marjorie, closing both of their eyes.
"And tada!" Carly opened the door. "Open!"

Reece and Marjorie opened their eyes and gasped. Carly looked amazing. Her pink dress made her look like a princess. She looked so grown up, it baffled the couple.

"Wow, you look-" Reece started.
"You look gorgeous!!" Marjorie stood up, going to hug Carly.
"Thank you!" Carly replied.
"Shall we go? I promised your mom pictures of you in your dress." Marjorie smiled.
"Yes." Carly smiled back.

Marjorie, Reece, and Carly all walked downstairs. Marjorie made Carly stand infront of the door and pose, so Marjorie could send pictures to her mum. Reece grabbed his car keys and they all walked to the car. Reece drove them to the school.

"Have the best time ever my love." Marjorie smiled.
"Remember to call us if you have trouble or if you need anything." Reece said.
"Will do. Thank you guys!" Carly smiled and got out of the car, running to meet her friends.

Reece and Marjorie watched as Carly met with her friends and walked inside of the school. Reece pulled over and put his head down.

"What's wrong babe?" Marjorie asked, putting a hand on Reeces back.

Reece didn't respond, but Marjorie could hear him sniffling.

"Oh darling." Marjorie reached over and put her arms around Reece.
"She just looks so grown up, you know." Reeces voice cracked, as he lifted his head up. "I always joke that she's 12, but today she is like a grown woman. I feel old."
"I know. For once it's you crying and not me." Marjorie giggled.
"I love her." Reece looked back down.
"I know you do, darling. So do I. She's like our daughter. Work daughter." Marjorie smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, her eyes getting misty.
"Now look who's crying." Reece smirked.
"Shut up. You cried first." Marjorie laughed.

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