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"She is wasted. Like, white girl wasted." Autumn said, pointing to a drunk Marjorie on the dance floor.
"No kidding." Reece shook his head.
"My guess is one seltzer. Probably mixed with wine. You know how she's a lightweight." Autumn said, taking a sip of her wine.
"Yeah." Reece smiled, watching Marjorie.

Reece set his beer down and walked over to Marjorie who was dancing incredibly hard on the dance floor.

"Gorgeous, you ready?" Reece said, putting a hand to Marjorie's shoulder.
"Yes." Marjorie giggled.

Reece grabbed Marjorie's hand and led her back to the tables.

"Aut do you need a ride as well?" Reece asked, holding onto Marjorie.
"That would be nice. Winters out of town to see his sister. I would have gone with him but I have to stay for the merger." Autumn said, finishing the rest of her wine and grabbing her phone.
"Okay, come on." Reece said, grabbing his keys.

Reece, Autumn, and Marjorie all walked to the car. Autumn sat in the front so Marjorie could lay in the back seats.

"You know," Autumn started.
"What?" Reece said, pulling out of the lot.
"I'm glad you've found someone like Marjorie." Autumn said, looking out the window.
"Me too." Reece smiled and looked at Autumn for a brief second.

They arrived at Reece and Marjories place. Autumn looked at Reece, confused.

"This isn't my house." Autumn raised an eyebrow.
"I know. I'm not leaving you alone." Reece said, getting out of the car.
"Whatever." Autumn said, getting out of the car.

Reece picked up Marjorie from the backseat and walked up to the front of the house. Reece unlocked the door and placed the half awake Marjorie on the couch.

"I'm going to go sleep in the guest room." Autumn said, putting her phone in her pocket.
"Why not our bedroom?" Reece asked.
"Because I know the freaky shit you two do on that bed. I don't want to lie in it." Autumn said, rolling her eyes.
"Fine. But you and Marjorie are sleeping in the same bed." Reece picked up Marjorie again and headed upstairs.
"Sure." Autumn smiled slightly.

The three of them went upstairs into the guest room. Reece pulled the covers back and set Marjorie down. He took her shoes off and placed the covers over her. Autumn climbed into bed next to her, facing the window. Reece placed a kiss on Marjorie's head.

"Goodnight Aut." Reece smiled as he was heading towards the door.
"Goodnight big brother." Autumn turned to face him.
"I'll be in our room if you need me." Reece said, shutting the door.

* the next morning*

Reece got up early and walked downstairs. He grabbed the bottle of painkillers and two water bottles. He walked upstairs to set them on each side of the bed, so Marjorie and Autumn can take them right when they wake up.

"Awe." Reece whispered to himself, as he opened the door to the guest bedroom.

Marjorie and Autumn were spooning. Autumn had one hand draped over Marjorie, and rested her head on Marjorie's shoulder. Reece pulled his phone out of his pocket and took pictures of them.

"Hey." Marjorie opened her eyes and whispered.
"Hey." Reece whispered back, walking in the room and setting the painkillers down.
"If you're not with me then who am I spooning with??" Marjorie raised an eyebrow, noticing the hand draped over her body.
"Don't freak, but it's Autumn." Reece whispered, kissing Marjorie's forehead.
"Really?" Marjorie whispered, her eyes widening.
"Yeah. You two are so cute." Reece said, giving Marjorie another kiss on her forehead, and walking out the door.

Marjorie rolled her eyes and gently turned her head to look at Autumn. Autumn was never one for physical touch unless it was Winter, and on rare occasions, Reece. Autumn had recently started opening up to Marjorie, telling her about her life and confiding more in her. She would occasionally brush her hand with Marjorie's, or put a hand on her shoulder.

"What the—" Autumn said, opening her eyes.
"We were, are, spooning." Marjorie said, giggling.
"Well." Autumn said, rolling her eyes.
"You're not freaking out? Normally physical touch freaks you out unless it's Winter and sometimes Reece." Marjorie said, turning over to face Autumn.
"Oddly, no." Autumn moved her arm off of Marjorie. "You're my best friend. And I know I don't say that like ever but you are."

Marjorie and Autumn didn't know that Reece was standing on the other side of the door, hearing this whole conversation. He could hear Marjorie's voice cracking as Autumn told her.

"If you two ever get married, I'll have a sister for life." Autumn said, faintly smiling.
"Yeah. I love you." Marjorie wiped a tear from her eye.
"I love you too." Autumn pulled in Marjorie for a hug.

Reece was still standing outside the door, holding back tears. He never thought he would rekindle his relationship with his sister, let alone find the love of his life. He hated to admit it, but he was grateful that his dad gave him the position at the sister nursery. If that didn't happen, he wouldn't be standing outside of the guest bedroom door listening to his little sister and his girlfriend talk.

"I'm glad they have each other. More importantly, I'm glad I have them. I don't know what I would do without my two favourite women." Reece whispered to himself as he walked down the stairs.


A/N - and that concludes this story of one shots!! i've had so much fun writing these and i cannot wait to start on the next story. it's called 'you're not saying you're in love with me, but you're going to.'

it will follow closer to charlottes storyline, but i will add my own twist to it. i might sample these chapters in it<3 love u all

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