*set at the very beginning of their relationship, before Reece had asked her out*
"What time do you want me to come over?" Marjorie asked, fiddling with the phone cord.
"Anytime. Do you want me to pick you up when you're done?" Reece replied.
"Sure. I'll be done in about 15." Marjorie smiled.
"Great. I'm on my way now. See you soon gorgeous." Reece said, hanging up the phone.Marjorie blushed at him calling her gorgeous. She slouched down in her chair, sighing.
"You two seriously need to get a room." Autumn rolled her eyes.
"He didn't say anything bad— what are you on about?" Marjorie scoffed.
"Nothing. Just Reece grosses me out." Autumn sighed, standing up.
"Bye Autumn." Marjorie laughed, waving.
"Don't have too much fun tonight." Autumn smirked, grabbing her purse and walking out of the office.Marjorie rolled her eyes and sat up. She had one more email to reply to. She assumed Reece would still be on his way, so she decided to reply to the email and organize some papers that need to be handed out tomorrow.
"Hey." Reece said, knocking on the door.
"Hello you." Marjorie smiled, putting the stack of papers down.
"You ready?" Reece asked.
"Yeah, I um, nevermind. The papers can wait." Marjorie grabbed her purse and walked out the door.Reece followed her out the door. Marjorie paused for a second, waiting for him to shut the door. She shyly grabbed his hand. He took hers in his, and rubbed the back of it.
"My place or yours?" Reece asked.
"Um, how about mine? I realized you've never been over to my place. Do you need to stop at yours to get things?" Marjorie replied, blushing.
"Okay. Um, no. I have a change of clothes in my car." Reece smiled.Reece led Marjorie to his car, opening the passenger door for her. Marjorie smiled and thanked him as she got in. Reece walked over to the drivers side and got in, starting the engine. Marjorie gave him directions to her house, which wasn't super far from the nursery.
"Thanks for doing this." Marjorie looked over at Reece as he was pulling in her driveway.
"Anytime gorgeous." Reece smiled.Marjorie got out of the car and grabbed her keys. She opened the door hoping her house wasn't too hot of a mess.
"Your place is stunning." Reece said, looking around.
"Thanks. Normally it's not this clean." Marjorie laughed, setting her purse down. "Do you want a drink?"
"Do you have wine?" Reece asked.
"I do." Marjorie smiled and grabbed the bottle of red and two glasses.
"Thank you." Reece said, taking the glass from Marjorie.Marjorie smiled up at him and took a huge sip of her wine.
"You okay?" Reece asked, concerned with how quickly Marjorie downed her wine.
"Yeah, you just um, make me nervous." Marjorie looked down at her feet.
"I make you, the legendary Marjorie, nervous?" Reece smirked.Marjorie nodded. Reece set his glass down and walked closer to Marjorie. He lifted her chin up and kissed her.
"Does that help?" Reece pulled away.
"Yes, actually." Marjorie smiled, going back in for another kiss. "Come sit on the couch."Marjorie let go of Reece and dragged him to the couch. He sat first, getting comfy. Marjorie sat next to him, getting closer and putting her legs over his.
"Let me guess, Mean Girls again?" Reece put his arm around Marjorie.
"No, Friends this time." Marjorie smiled.The two cuddled up and watched several episodes of Friends. Marjorie started falling asleep on Reece.
"Gorgeous, do you want to go to bed?" Reece asked, smiling at the thought of Marjorie trusting him enough to sleep on him.
"Yes." Marjorie mumbled. "My room is the first one upstairs."Reece gently picked up Marjorie and walked upstairs. He opened the door and laid Marjorie down on the bed. He took her shoes off, and her glasses.
"Do you want to change?" Reece asked.
"No. I'm fine here." Marjorie sighed.Reece pulled the covers up on Marjorie and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight gorgeous. I'll see you tomorrow." Reece said, brushing a hair out of her face.
"Reece." Marjorie said.
"Yeah?" Reece asked, walking towards the door.
"Please stay darling." Marjorie smiled, opening her eyes to squint at him.
"You sure?" Reece asked, turning around.
"Please." Marjorie whined.
"Okay. I'll go change. I'll be right back." Reece smiled.Reece headed downstairs to his car to get the spare change of clothes, which was a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. He walked back inside Marjorie's house and changed in the bathroom. He headed back upstairs to find Marjorie sleeping peacefully.
"I'm back." Reece whispered, climbing into bed with Marjorie.
This was the first time they have slept over, usually it was just sex or hanging out. Reece loved the fact that Marjorie was warming up to him even more.
"Good." Marjorie mumbled, turning over in bed to place her head on his chest.
Reece kissed the top of her head, gently rubbing her back as she slept.
"Goodnight darling. I love you." Marjorie said sleepily.
Reeces eyes widened, shocked at what she just said. He could tell she didn't know what she had just said as she'd fallen back asleep.
"Goodnight Marge. You too." Reece smiled, kissing the top of Marjorie's head again.

marjoreece one shots 💖
Romancevarious one shots of Marjorie and Reece, MOSTLY all cute and innocent <3 mostly added as some chapters are a little dark (ex. reeces past, marjorie's past, etc. nothing smutty dw) characters belong to the nursery nurse!