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"That was I was thinking!" Marjorie exclaimed.
"Great minds think alike." Autumn clinked her glass with Marjorie's.

Reece walked in the front door, finding his girls drinking wine and gossiping.

"Hey." Reece walked over to the couch where they were sitting.
"Hey you." Marjorie smiled.
"Big brother." Autumn looked up.
"What are you guys doing?" Reece asked leaning down to kiss Marjorie.
"Just drinking and talking." Marjorie said, looking over at Autumn gagging.
"Well I have to go to the store, do you guys need anything?" Reece asked, rolling his eyes at Autumn.
"More wine would be great." Autumn smirked.
"Get some chocolate too!" Marjorie added.
"Okay. I'll be back." Reece smiled and kissed Marjorie again.
"Bye my love!" Marjorie shouted.

Reece walked out the front door. Marjorie turned back to face Autumn.

"Do you want to tell me why you came over with a bottle of rose?" Marjorie asked.
"Not really. But today was just hard. I was thinking about my miscarriage." Autumn downed the rest of her wine.

Marjorie's face softened, and she put her wine glass down. She held out her hand for Autumn to take it.

"I'm so sorry my love." Marjorie said.
"It's okay. For some reason I was thinking about it earlier, more like doubting myself." Autumn sighed, taking Marjorie's hand.
"And that's okay. Grief isn't linear my darling. It's okay to have off days. We all have them." Marjorie rubbed the back of Autumns hand.
"I know I'm not one for touch but, I, um, I need a hug." Autumn poured more wine in her glass.
"Okay." Marjorie set her glass down.

Marjorie wrapped her arms around Autumn, and rubbed her back. Autumn tightly held onto Marjorie. Marjorie could tell she needed this.

"It's okay Autumn. I love you." Marjorie whispered.
"I love you too." Autumn sighed.

Marjorie was stunned at Autumn saying it back to her, but she remained calm and just held Autumn.

"I'm back—- oh." Reece walked through the front door, stopping as he saw Autumn and Marjorie hugging.

"Well, I best be going. Winter will be wondering where I am." Autumn said, pulling away from the hug.
"Do you need me to take you home? You've had more to drink than me." Marjorie asked.
"No, I'm okay. I promise. Thank you though." Autumn stood up and grabbed her keys.
"Bye my love!" Marjorie said, standing up.

Autumn walked to the front door, Marjorie following behind. Reece was standing off to the side with his mouth open.

"Big brother." Autumn said, opening it. "Bye Marjorie, thank you again."
"Anytime. Be safe!" Marjorie said.

Marjorie watched Autumn drive off and she closed the door. She turned to face Reece.

"What?" Marjorie asked, raising her eyebrow.
"I— you and Autumn—- she hugged you?" Reece stuttered.
"Yeah. She asked. She even told me that she loves me." Marjorie held her chest.
"Really? Wow." Reece smiled.
"Yeah." Marjorie nodded.

Marjorie walked over to the couch, Reece following behind her.

"What did you guys talk about?" Reece asked, sitting down.
"I don't know if she wants me to say. I don't want to break that trust, because it's taken a while for her to warm up to me all the way." Marjorie sighed, sitting next to Reece.
"That's fine. I'm glad she has someone like you." Reece put his arm around Marjorie.
"Yeah." Marjorie melted into Reece.

Reece kissed the side of her head and continued to rub her back. Marjorie rested her head on his shoulder.

"How was work?" Marjorie broke the silence.
"Fine. Would've been better if you were there." Reece sighed.
"We work at separate nurseries, my love." Marjorie giggled.
"Yeah but knowing you are less than 15 minutes away from me makes me feel better. Knowing you are kicking ass by putting parents in their place." Reece said.
"Well kicking ass can resume tomorrow." Marjorie sat up straight.
"You sure you don't want to tell me what Autumn told you? I can tell whatever she said is bothering you." Reece said.
"No. It's fine. I mean it's bothering me seeing her feel like this but it's fine. Everything is fine." Marjorie got up and walked to the kitchen.
"I can tell you're not fine. I'm not going to pester you, but I can tell something is up." Reece followed her.

Marjorie turned around and faced Reece.

"Don't tell her I said this. And swear on that." Marjorie said, sticking out her pinky to make a promise.
"I swear." Reece said, wrapping his pinky around hers.
"She was just thinking about her miscarriage today. Said it was a rough day, that was it." Marjorie sighed.
"Oh. Okay." Reece tensed up.
"But don't worry. She's okay. We talked. More like I talked and she listened but still. I could tell she needed that. Us hanging out." Marjorie looked up at Reece.
"I trust you. I just know Roger's voice is swirling through her head right now." Reece sighed.
"I know. It's killing me watching the two people I love most in this world be affected by their shitty father. If I could take the pain away I would." Marjorie said, reaching for the chocolate that Reece bought.

Reece wrapped his arms around Marjorie. He kissed her head and felt her starting to cry.

"I know you would. And that's the best thing about you. Always thinking of others. It's okay. It's made us stronger, and for the better. Because of him we know how to not act." Reece said, rubbing Marjorie's back.
"I love you." Marjorie said, wiping her tears.
"I love you more, gorgeous." Reece kissed her again.


A/N - I know I said this chapter was supposed to be happy......I swear the next chapter will be happy... I just love writing sad stuff lmfao

I promise it will be happy. I swear.

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