3. The Valentine Card🖌️🎨💌

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"Koo baby, how about momma buying you candy when we go out next time," Mrs. Kim excitedly stated, cupping Koo's chubby cheeks in her hands who was basically sad right now.

 Kim excitedly stated, cupping Koo's chubby cheeks in her hands who was basically sad right now

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"NO, Koo ony wan' ca'd, like TeTe hwungiee." Koo stomped his tiny feet on the floor.

He was asking for a valentine card since he saw his momma decorating one for TaeTae.

"But I got Ms. Pretty to give my card to, what will you do with the card Koo? It's useless to make one for you." TaeTae spoke swaying his pink card
in his hands.

"Koo wi' a'so gib it to Mwiss Pwetty." Koo said innocently.

"Nooo, she is my teacher, only I can give her a gift. You don't even go to school yet. Eomma please make him understand."TaeTae protested loudly making Koo a little scared who snuggled closer to Mrs. Kim while staring at TaeTae with his bambi eyes. "wan' it momma pweeease.." He mewled showing puppy eyes.

"ahh, okay when you start going to school, and have a fav teacher,
then momma will make you a cute card. Till then, you have to wait. deal?"

Koo gave it a thought for a long minute, his eyeballs moving from left to right thinking hard. "otay, pwinky pwomise?" He held his tiny pinky out.

Mrs. Kim entangled her pinky to Koo's and kissed it to lock the promise. "pinky promise baby." Koo giggled in response. Such a good boy he was.


Both TaeTae and Koo were playing house in their shared room when Koo
pouted and showed his best puppy eyes to TaeTae.. "TeTe hwuungiee.." He trailed off softly. "What?"... "Koo ish thishty.."Koo coughed in tiny, to add sound effect.

"oh, Hyung will bring you water, wait." TaeTae left to get a glass of water from the kitchen.

As soon as his 'hwung' was out of sight, Koo got up and ran to TaeTae's study table.

He opened the first draw with much struggle and his eyes sprinkled seeing the pink card lying there neatly beside other stuff.

He carefully picked it up and "What are you doing Koo?" TaeTae put the glass down on the floor and walked to Frozen Koo who wasn't turning around, scared.

"oh, so you are sneaking into my things, bad boy." TaeTae snatched the card away from koo. "why did you touch it without my permission, again." Koo gasped at the pull. "sowwy.."

"go and drink your water. aren't you thirsty!" TaeTae put the card back into
the draw and locked it.

Koo walked back to the previous place with slow steps, pouting and wearing a sad expression.

TaeTae felt bad for the cute tiny babyand sighed

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TaeTae felt bad for the cute tiny baby
and sighed. "Koo, wanna visit my school with me, tomorrow?" He asked wanting to lift koo's mood.



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