9. Not Again

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A man with honey-gold skin was fast asleep lying on his stomach, one hand dangling down to the floor, and hair disheveled.

His peaceful slumber was disrupted when someone pulled the curtains and gave way to the bright sunlight inside the room and directly on the handsome face.

He scrunched his face distastefully and felt someone standing in the sun's way, preventing the warm rays from hitting his eyes, he was trying to open.

He fluttered his hazel orbs open only to see a bunny face smiling a big smile at him. "Uuh-hu..." He turned to the other side.

"Wakey wakey hyungiee.." A cheerful voice dripped into his ears followed by a weight on his bare back.

"Not again koo, let me sleep some more." He wiggled to push the boy away.

"you promised to take me to the beach on Sunday hyungiee, it's Sunday today...... "Koo whined.

"TaeTae Hyunngieee..... "Koo shook the almost asleep man violently when didn't get any response, he climbed his back, put his legs on both sides and started jumping.

"Jungkook...." Taehyung has had enough of it so he shot up, causing koo to fall on his back. "Get out of my room."He pointed towards the door, his eyes were red from not getting enough sleep. The poor man slept at dawn. The book he has read last night was too stunning to not finish it in one sitting.

"Hyungiee----" Koo pouted.

"I said get out of here.. and I don't remember saying a single word about going to the beach..." Taehyung pulled the blanket up to his forehead, indicating he was sleeping again.

"Uhu..." Koo punched the mattress and kicked his legs but no use. He huffed again and jumped on his hyung, lying straight on top of his body.

Taehyung cursed under his breath and bundled Koo up in the blanket aggressively, "I'm going to tell Minjun to stop filling your banana milk stock for the next two weeks."

" Nooo.... "Koo protested, swaying his head from side to side.

"Yes, this is what you'll get for disturbing my sleep on Sunday morning."

" Sowwy..."

"Not accepted."

"Hyungie, free me, it's hot." Koo squirmed showing puppy eyes. His pink lips jutted out in a pout. Taehyung's eyes flicked down to the pretty pout, lingering there for a while and he gulped freeing Koo slowly. It's not like he wanted to kiss those fruity lips but it was hard not to kiss those plump petals. I hope you understand what taehyung was going through.

Koo took deep breaths coming out of the blanket dramatically, "Go and send Minjun to my room.."

Koo's eyes went wide, "No hyungie please not my banana milk, Koo is sorry for everything," he climbed down the bed clumsily and started doing sit-stands pinching his ears and chanting a sorry with every sit.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Don't waste your energy koo, it's not gonna work on me. Go, do as I said." Taehyung put on his shirt knowing he couldn't be able to sleep anymore.

Koo kept staring at tae making the puppiest eyes, maybe his hyung shows some mercy but how? He wasn't even looking towards koo. So koo thought of a better idea and went to tackle taehyung in a koala hug, wrapping his arms and legs around his hyung tightly. "please hyungie, koo will study hard, get the best grades this time, and make momma papa and hyungie proud " he tightened his hold when taehyung tried to push him off.

"koo's sorry, please please please, I'll be a good boy from now on, don't take me to the beach but not my banana milk hyungie please Koo will be good boy for you...." koo kept rambling unaware of what the trail of his wet soft lips on taehyung's neck was causing inside taehyung's heart and body. And the underlying meaning behind,'koo will be good boy for you', made taehyung's heart beat race up. Weird things surrounding his mind. He shook his head to get rid of his not so decent imaginations.

"Okay stop, we will go to the beach in the evening." Taehyung said. He just wanted to be alone for some time. He needs to have a good talk with himself, and needs to recall his so-called rules regarding Koo.

"Yeah, TaeTae hyungie is the best hyungie in the whole world," Koo released taehyung with a loud squeal.

He hopped his way out of the room stopping near the door suddenly as if he remembered something. He ran back to taehyung like a storm he was, " you'll not tell Mr.Minjun to stop buyung my banana milk?" He asked pointing his finger up to tae's face.

Taehyung simply nodded his head in 'no'. No matter what, at the end he was a softie for Koo.

"Yess!" Koo jumped on his feet and left but not before granting a wet toothy kiss on his hyung's bread cheek messily.

Taehyung stood there dumbfounded. What was this boy and what the hell he does to his heart every then and now. 'control taehyung, control, that's not right.' he slapped his forehead and let his body fall on the bed. He knew it was going to be a long morning for him. He was going to overthink everything and then he'll have to dig a new hole in his heart to bury the unsettling feeling away just like he had been doing for years.


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