15- Confrontation pt.2

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"The unsaid confessions we can neither swallow nor spit them out, kill us way before death."


"M-My name is K-Koo, not H-Ha-Han-Hanuel." 

" Your heel is bleeding. "

" I don't care, you are cruel." Koo's soft fist came in contact with taehyung's ribs. He didn't put much force, careful not to hurt his hyung much. "Come on, it needs to be treated." Taehyung ushered Koo to the sofa.

"Nuuu, Koo will marry hyungie, not that H-Hanuel, you understand I'll beat him if he dares to come near to you" A rain of punches landed on Taehyung's chest, "Jungkook, " Taehyung grabbed Koo's paws in his right hand and hooked his left arm under Koo's thighs to lift him.

Koo thrashed in Taehyung's arms screaming gibberish but Mr. Kim volunteered and they forcefully secured Koo on the sofa. Mrs. Kim ran to fetch a first-aid kit from the restroom.

"Hyungie, it was Koo, not that H-Haneul..," Koo murmured as his hands came around Taehyung's collar. His energy was running out slowly.
Taehyung pressed the cloth on Koo's heel to stop the blood flow. The glass Taehyung removed was not much deep inside but enough to draw a stream of blood. "I know...and that is why you need to know the truth. Appa please hold Koo back." Taehyung said nonchalantly. The weight of Koo's quivering upper body on his shoulder was distracting him from the task of healing the boy, physiologically and breaking the same boy, emotionally.

"Tae.. Koo is fainting.,..baby,... Koo...wake up...stay with us bub, Koo..." Mr.Kim tapped Koo's cheeks spontaneously whose breaths were rather labored and his long lashes toppled over the swell of his cheeks.

"Let him faint, Appa. It will reduce the pain.." Taehyung said while soaking cotton with alcohol to clean the wound. He was sitting on the floor and Koo's feet were placed in his lap.

Mrs. Kim caressed Koo's head, sobbing silently. Her eyes were darted toward Taehyung, full of accusations. "You shouldn't have pulled that prank, Koo just suffered an asthma attack. Do you have any idea, how dreadful it was for Koo, for us?" She said in her worn-out voice, cracked and soaked with tears.

"It wasn't a prank. I am going to marry Haneul by the end of next week." His hands unnoticeably tremble before pushing the needle inside the plush skin to stitch the wound.

"Have you gone crazy, since when this so-called boyfriend came into your life that you never talked about him before? "Mr.Kim was losing his patience. Taehyung was being ridiculous now.

"I wanted to tell you but couldn't.." Taehyung's eyes had turned red by now due to the emotional pressure and mental command he was bearing so far. His insides were suffocating as if his heart was chained in one place at the center of his perpetually aching chest, void of pulsing. It didn't seem alive anymore.

"But Koo likes y

"It's just a mere infatuation. He will forget me once he becomes busy with his life in the US."

"I'm not sending my baby oceans away, got it?" Mrs.Kim snarled.

"He has to go eomma. Get him ready in two weeks. Once his migration process is done, he will have to go. " Taehyung stressed over the phrase as if making himself believe his words instead of telling his parents.

"How would he be living there, all alone? Have you thought about it? Koo needs us all the time to guide him, you better stop this shit tae."

"Appa please, my decision might seem reckless and cruel but I'm doing this for his betterment. He is my younger brother, I'll make sure he will not be alone there." Taehyung pleaded, he stuck the sticker on the end of the cotton bandage and collected everything back into the aid box.

"Fucking step-brother."


"You will regret this."

In lieu of saying anything, taehyung bent down to pick Koo up and take him to his room but Mr. Kim stopped him. "Leave, we will take care of him. He doesn't wish your sympathy."

His arms lingered in the air over the unconscious boy's torso for a moment and then Taehyung left without glancing at Koo's wasted face. His hands wore patches of blood hither and thither. His shirt stinks of banana milk. A fog of memories busted surrounding his mind, and he had to pull the breaks abruptly. He rested his head on the staring wheel helplessly. The lights of his car kept blinking, telling the tragic tale of its owner. A tragedy he brought upon himself.

"TeTe hwungie.."

Taehyung jerked his head up, he fumbled to unlock the door and stepped out looking for the voice that was constantly ringing in his head.

"TeTe hwungie ish on'y koo'sh hwungie, go away meanie, "

"You hult koo, koo'sh hwungie wi' punwish you bwad."

Taehyung's vision was blurred by the unshed tears.

"TeTe hwungie wi' you Koo'sh gwoom, Koo wan' gwoom wike Rosie Auntie," Another memory hit him hard and Taehyung let the first scream out. His sore groans echoed through the empty alley. He let the tears out, lastly. It would be the first and last time, he was going to mourn. Mourn his murdered love that he killed by his own hands.

It was the need of time and demand of the toxic society though, he wasn't given other options. Fame and power come with sacrifices. The pressure of maintaining a perfect image in public is unfair. And Taehyung was buried under the debris of this society's rotten values and morals. They would never let him breathe if he owned Koo as a lover instead of a brother. He cared nothing about himself but how could Koo's fragile soul bear the harsh treatment of people out there who don't care before throwing dirt on others? No, he would prefer to die instead of hurting Koo by any means. But still, he did hurt Koo. He did hurt Koo.

How dare he be wounded the soul so precious. Will he ever be able to forgive himself, ever be capable of earning Koo's forgiveness? The pain we inflict upon our loved ones is greater than any other pain. Unforgiving but it hurt equally. The guilt shadows our days and nights, blocking all the ways to come out of the dark maze.

It was his destiny, his punishment to fall for the person he shouldn't. He must suffer his sin. The sin of disrespecting the pure relationship between him and Koo, his baby brother.
(A/n- if this man thinks of the word brother again, I'm gonna smack his head. The word would fall out of his mind then, right? Sorry for disrupting, I was trusfrated. :) )

He would never let Koo make the same mistake, he was abiding for almost a decade. Koo was so young, he would move on when the focus of his life would be diverted from him to others. The exposure to the outer world will help him forget. The world is huge, there must be someone who would give Koo what he can't.

The ache exuded to the tips of Taehyung's fingers and toes. It coursed through his brain down to his spine.

He replaced his heart by a black stone and the wells of his tears dried off.

He disguised his agony with coldness matching the cold night and the tremble of his body subsided.

The engine came to life unlike Taehyung and he drove off.


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