17- Nightmares

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(Ignore the mistakes, kindly)

Koo's mind was traveling through the trains of the sub-consciousness and unconsciousness.

The episodes of nightmares keep going in his mind, adding to the vulnerability of the situation.

The mother never left his side since the boy was admitted to the hospital. They had to visit the hospital last night when Koo's body started to burn in hyperthermia. The doctor gave him shots of Corticosteroids to reduce his airway inflammation which will help with asthma. The nurse had been monitoring the levels of fever every hour.

Mrs. Kim changed the wet clothes that she put on Koo's forehead and neck to lessen the temperature. Her view was blocked by a cup, and she averted her gaze up to find his husband standing near the bed. "you haven't slept Jae, take some rest. Tea will help you relax." He said while stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

" No, I'm fine, what if Koo woke up, he would be grumpy not seeing me then." She placed the cup aside to let it cool down. " I'm here with him and I'll call you if necessary." Mr.Kim tried to convince her.

"Jung-woon, I'm not leaving." The mother said firmly.

"Ah, okay then.. as you say.." He pulled another chair beside the bed and waited with his wife for Koo to wake up.

"Your hyung is no longer yours, see he is mine." A faceless boy laughed in his face and turned around to hug a man behind him. He couldn't make the features of the man except for his eyes. The boy's body was now attached to the man's front. He shook his head left and right, indicating disbelief or he wanted to stop it all. Still, he wanted to keep staring into those sharp yet fragile eyes but soon the eyes started to feel heavy, half-lidded, on the brink of shutting. He shook his head more violently. He wanted to speak but his throat was constructed. And then the eyes closed off completely. The faceless boy then turned around, "he will never want to look into your eyes again as he tastes the depths of mine now." He struggled to hoist his arms up to his ears to block the voice but his limbs were locked, he looked down and saw a snake wrapped around his middle. A voiceless scream left his throat and when he looked around, there was no one to offer help. His mute cries were loud but unheard.

*Ring* Ring*


"How is he?"

"Do you care?"

"What kind of question is this Appa, of course I care."

"He'll be fine."Mr.Kim cut the call.

"Why is he worried now when he is the reason behind this." Mrs. Kim gestured toward Koo. At the same moment, Koo moved his head to the left and then to the right.

They jolted up quickly to have a close look. Koo was just moving his head, a frown settled between his eyebrows. The nurse went to call the doctor. "Baby...wake up.," Mrs. Kim gently tapped Koo's cheek but in response, she received a sob. Koo was whimpering and writhing on the bed. Mr. Kim quickly held his left foot in place when it was about to hit the footrest of the bed. "Koo...my baby.." Mrs. Kim gently caressed Koo's face and hair to provide him with a sense of protection. She whispered sweet nothing into his ear.

Koo was now calmer than before but he didn't wake up yet. When they heard the footsteps, they moved back making space for the doctor who came to check on Koo.

"The fever is up again, continue putting on cold water pads. "He mumbled and instructed the nurse. "was he awake before our arrival?"

"No, but he stirred and moved around uneasily. Must be a nightmare." Mr. Kim informed him.

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