33- Adamant

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Luvs, this is Taekook's love story, and it has a happy ending, trust me.

And about Koo, his anger has aged through the years because he didn't get to let it out on Tae back then and right now his guilt added up to it as well, don't expect sane decisions from him, he is doing whatever his irrational anger is pushing him to do. He will realize his wrongdoing. Please read this chapter carefully, you will know how Koo and Tae's psyche is working.

Ignore the possible mistakes and Enjoy :)


"Taebear, only you can change his mind, please.." Mrs. Kim begged for a thousand times to his son.

"No eomma, when his trust issues with me are this high, he will just twist my every word and create his own meanings, I don't want to hear more misconceptions from his mouth which used to love me once. " Taehyung flipped the pages of the book aimlessly he was holding.
His mother sighed straightening her back, "Would you let him go then and marry Edward? You know how stubbornly he is demanding to say vows by the end of next week..he is just out of his mind.. "

"I think, eomma, I start to believe he will be happier with Edward than me. I...I only anger him.., frustrate him. Maybe...maybe Edward's love is stronger than me that it pulled Koo to him in no time and my years of yearning went to waste," Turning his back while uttering the last sentence, Taehyung flicked a lone drop from his eye and his lips stretched into a wounded smile.

"You are worrying eomma more than Koo is giving me headaches, you know. Why are you not letting it out baby, I am your mother, you don't have to act strongly in front of me." She got up and took his son's face in his hands as if he was a fragile flower that would fall apart if she applied a little more pressure to her soft touch.

"Th-there's is nothing like that, I'm...I'm fine.." He rejected the affection and went to stand by the window. The weather outside was gloomy with floating clouds. The sky turned blue and gray, parallel to his inner colors.

"Tae, baby eomma appa are old now, they can't...can't bear their child's suffering. Koo, he,.....he isn't speaking to anyone,,....hasn't eaten anything the whole day,..I... I can't see my babies abiding this pain alone, ..I..I...Taebear..your eom-ma is weak

"Eomma...please don't pressurize yourself...I'm sorry...please sit here.." Taehyung wrapped his arm around his weeping mother's shoulder and brought her to bed, he poured her a glass of water, "here drink this, everything will be okay, and you know he is such a brat, he will be fine after getting some sleep and you know  how big a foodie he is, can't stay without eating for hours,...have you eaten anything?" He caressed her strawberry hair.

Seeing his mother shake her head in no and looking down guilty, he clenched his jaw, " Wow, great...applause to you eomma...where is appa...Appa...Appppaaaaaa...." Leaving her alone in the room, Taehyung went to the ground floor calling his appa loudly with a hint of madness and annoyance in his voice that maids who were doing house chores hid behind pillars in fear.

"Appppaaaaaa...." Even Jungkook came out of his nest and dangled at the railing to see what was happening down the hall. Mrs. Kim slapped her head, seemed like she needed to go save her husband, "What's wrong? Why are you screaming,

"Is this how you take care of your wife? Sleeping peacefully and eomma didn't eat anything for how long, do you have any idea?"

"Jae herself put me to sleep and we ate before it together,.."Mr. Kim's eyes were full of sleepiness, half-lidded. He saw his wife standing at the foot of the stairs meekly and asked, "Jae, why so silent, tell your mad son that we ate about an hour ago.."

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