44- Sick

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Taehyung brought unconscious Koo into the room and told his manager to bring the doctor.

Massaging his cold hands and feet, Taehyung thought of calling his mother but then didn't, not wanting to make her worried miles away. He will call them once Koo will be checked.

The French doctor checked Koo's heartbeat and his blood pressure. Taehyung told her about Koo's condition before fainting. After examining Koo thoroughly, "I'm not sure of what I'm concluding but you need to come to the hospital. We will run some tests." She said.

"But he was all right in the morning, is everything okay with my husband?" Taehyung was feeling so sensitive, on the verge of tears. His voice contained anxiousness.

She sighed, "actually, I'm feeling another heartbeat inside Mr.Jungkook. we still need to check him properly in the hospital."

"What heartbeat!" He was confused.

"It's a possible and rare pregnancy, Mr.Taehyung.." She smiled.

The addressed man could not find his voice to utter another word, staring at Koo with wide stunned eyes. The doctor left with the manager in a short while and soon after a car was ready outside to take Koo to the hospital.

The ride was silent. Taehyung was unable to avert his eyes from Koo's pale face, 'is it possible?' the thought kept repeating in his head.

After one long hour of tests and check-ups, the doctor finally called the patient's husband in her cabin.
"I can confidently say now that Mr.Jungkook is pregnant and congratulations, your husband has been nourishing twins in his womb." when didn't get any vocal response, she continued, "I recommend you to do his weekly check-ups because male pregnancy is extremely rare and that's why it has more complications. Here, I'm prescribing some vitamins and kindly keep him away from any sort of stress and overworking."

Taehyung nodded his head, he was so shocked he couldn't even smile and shake hands with the polite doctor muttering a thank you and left her cabin. Koo was conscious by now and was crying for his hubby, sitting in the hospital bed. Mr.Lee, their bodyguard was standing at the door and Mr. Park, the manager was trying to console the boy.

When Koo saw Taehyung entering the room, he started sobbing badly making grabby hands towards the man. "Koo, love, my baby.." he rushed to him taking him in his embrace and pecking his eyes, "shh, you are all fine. We are not staying here, hm..relax.." he signaled Mr.Park to get the car. Ah, Koo's fear of hospitals was still there.

"No..can't breathe.." Koo refused to wear the mask.

"Just for two minutes love, until we are inside the car." Taehyung helped Koo to wear it.

"Why my head is spinning.." The sick boy whined. He was grumpy and fussy over his blurry vision. "Want me to carry you.." Koo bobbed his head in a yes.

In the car, the baby-like boy sat on his hubby's lap, plunging his head on Taehyung's shoulder Koo closed his eyes feeling tired. Taehyung's hands were rubbing soothing circles on Koo's back continuously throughout the ride.

"Koo.." He called his husband who was't letting go of him even inside their suite. They were alone now. Koo's medicines were settled on the coffee table neatly and Koo was staring at the bottles aimlessly. His mind was unfocused, his body felt  sick.

"Are you listening to me Koo.." Taehyung gently pecked Koo's head. He was getting it now, Koo's extremely baby like behaviour, his weird food cravings and his rollercoaster like emotions these days. He has been having their babies in his tummy all this while and they didn't know it. How could they when it wasn't even in their dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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