Part two

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The 4 objects were taken to the lab and put in a room that had thick glass to separate them but they could still communicate to each other, there were beds, a small space as a bathroom (with privacy of course) and books to keep them distracted.

"How bad is this virus you think is is?"

"I don't know lightbulb, but test tube is right. We can't risk any infection spreading."

Knife said to lightbulb in a calm and reassuring tone, lightbulb looked at him before making a soft smile. Test tube came in with protective clothing and syringes

"Ok guys, you'll be here for a while but I need samples to study the virus more."

"Sure whatever, just get it over with"

Test tube took blood samples from the 4 and left. They just sat in silence before hearing a loud moan, like something was in pain. Lightbulb looked and saw a silhouette a cross the hall. Paintbrush!

"Painty! Over here!"

No response

"Come one painty! It's me your flying buddy!"

Paintbrush looked but they looked horrible, they looked to skinny, tired and had black claws coming out both arms and legs, paintbrush looked at them with a dead stare lightbulb looked horrified on paintbrush's condition, so were the others. Knife remembered when they looked better than that, this virus looked more dangerous than it seemed. Paintbrush immediately ran to the glass of the room to break it but fail, the glass was pretty strong so all they could do is look at them and growl like an animal. Lightbulb wanted to cling on to knife but couldn't due to the glass wall. They saw test tube with protective gear on and a few things and entered where paintbrush was at. They couldn't see really well due to the glass being messed up but test tube did something that made paintbrush screech in pain and test tube left and making sure the door was secure before leaving.

"Is paintbrush going to be ok?.."

"I'm sure they will soap, even though we don't get along they are strong I will admit. I'm sure they can get through it.."

Trophy told soap, knife could tell he was being serious about it. He will also admit paintbrush was pretty strong despite their looks of being tall and slim. Test tube came back.

"How are you guys feeling? Any changes? Or weird feelings?"

"No.. and test tube can I ask you something?"

"Sure lightbulb"

"Is... painty gonna be ok?... we saw them earlier and.."

Test tube looked at lightbulb with a sad and worried look.

"I don't know light bulb... I don't know.."

Lightbulb was shaking a bit while tears were forming, test tube noticed and decided to put down the glass wall, lightbulb quickly went into knife's arms for comfort. Knife looked at test tube and she nodded and whispered "try and comfort her.. she needs it" and she left.

"Guys do you think this virus might get worse?"

"Soap can we just stop? The mood is already dank as it is.."

"Sure trophy.. sure"

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