Part 34

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Mic got to the motel, pickle stayed in the car with paintbrush as mic and taco went inside to warn everyone to get to the lab, knife was following the trail and it of course led to the hotel

"Well shit.."

He slowly entered and continued to follow the trail. It led to the room where paintbrush first gotten ill. He slowly opened the door and saw nothing but bones that were originally belonged to the bodies and something staring at him on the bed with a large smile and a fire.


Knife didn't dare to move knowing she only moves if her prey moves.

"Shit shit shit..."


They were practically having a staring contest at this point, the loser either barely escapes or death and winner surviving or killing. Knife continued to stare knowing that if he try's to run then she'll use him to get the others.

Oj and test tube started to make their way to where knife was, mic already warned them and the others were being located back to the lab.


"Sliver spoon?"

"Let me come! I could use some adventure to save some of my sanity-"

"No, it's to dangerous"

"Please! I promise to stop eating most of the pudding!"

"Ugh.... Fine"

The three made their way to the trail and once they did they followed it to get knife's location.

Paintbrush opened their eyes and saw a light blue ceiling, they felt a nice soft blanket and a nice pillow. But they could see the ceiling moving?

"Test tube said to locate them to the lab right?"

"Yea in the treatment area, she said she'll do whatever she could to help them."

They couldn't see who were pushing them but felt someone laying on them, well more like next to them. They knew who it was because of glass, it was lightbulb. She was hugging them lightly but also firm enough to not lose grip. They made a small and soft smile before closing their eyes again.

Screeching came from the halls as knife ran for his life, why did he have to itch his head!? He used his sharp claws to climb down the elevator which was broken and now at the bottom of the place as candle chased him with her licking her lips awaiting her next meal. Knife was surprised that his torn eye wasn't bothering him with his escape.



"What- ah fuck"

The four ran as candle was chasing them, sliver spoon took a wrong turn but kept running. He came to a dead end and was about to accept his fate but saw a sharp pole, it was used by soap to get tight corners...

"Well dead end! Knife we are cooked."

"Test tube don't you have anything!?"

"No- I forgot the weapons-"


Candle found them and ran towards them opening her mouth, knife was about to get ready to fight as test tube used the walkie talkie to try and get some help, candle didn't touch them, instead a metal pole went straight through her head, her body went limp and the pole slowly pulled away and her body fell to the ground. Sliver spoon dropped the pole as he was shaking and tears fell. He fell to his knees just processing what he just did.

"Sliver spoon?..."

"Did... I actually?..."


Sliver spoon grabbed his head and started to laugh, oj help him up and the four made his way to the lab with everyone else.

Paintbrush woke up and tried to sit up but of course pain struck and they fell down again, whhhhyyyy????

"That's all test tube wanted us to do?"

"Yea, she said they wake up soon. Come on let's go, I'm TIRED.."

The people left and they were left. What happened exactly? They will probably ask test tube later...

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