Part 11

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The hall was dark, but the man knew where to go. After all he knows the place like his life depended on it. He made his way to where multiple people were at "Sir! We have found a subject in the wild!" "Bring them in" people with safety gear brought in the angry infected while making sure to avoid its fire "who was this person before?" "This subject, 009 was known as 'paintbrush'. They also have a fire ability." The man looked at the monster as it was put in a room that was big enough to hold at least couple hundred people. "Do some test on them, we need to see if we can get them back without sanity or will" "yes sir!" The monster screeched in anger, the man just looked at them and walked off. He sat in his office and looked at the papers about the islands situation, he sighed and looked out his window. How did this happen? The virus was extremely weak and.. now this.. "This new subject can maybe help us find the answer to this whole ordeal, they seem fit" he continued to look over the papers at his desk.

"You got them to sleep?" "Yes, we can now start the experiment" 009 was now ready for the experimentation to begin.

Oj was reading paper a book while the trio were playing a board game they found in the motels store, of course it was uno "UNO!" "FUCK! HOW DO YOU ALWAYS WIN!?" "YouTube is man's greatest teacher" fan said proudly as test tube rolled her eye at that statement, lightbulb grabbed the card and began to shuffle them. Balloon managed to sneak out of the motel, he wanted to find suitcase. He stayed low and made sure he didn't leave any track for the infected to follow. He went to the lake where they used for challenges in season 2, nothing. He checked the cliff where they use to meet up at and again nothing. He began to think the worst when he heard a noise, he stopped in his tracks then looked to the left, suite case?.. they creature looked at him with a wide smile, he began to feel goosebumps in his skin but didn't dare to move. The creature began to step closer and he still didn't move. The creature was now face to face with him, it was suite case but she was infected and still had that wide smile. He began to shake a bit but he still didn't make a step. The creature still continued to look at him but also didn't make any movement. But then he heard something that made him look that direction, suite case also looked and he quickly hid behind a bush. he made a small peak and the creature was still looking at where he was looking, then she  looked at the bush where he was in "fuck.." she quickly tore the bush out of the ground and looked at balloon. He was now shaking in fear she still looked at him but didn't harm him. Instead she grabbed something that resembled a flower and gave it to him. He took it and she made a noise that sounded happy. "You're still.. you right?.." she tilted her head as she couldn't understand what he was saying "I said you're still you right?" Again she tilted her head "YOU'RE STILL YOU RIGHT!?" She finally heard what he said and nodded, balloon guessed she was going deaf, "well I can maybe-" as balloon reached out something cut his hand clean "ACK!!" He quickly retracted his arm as suite case quickly went on the defense, apple was holding his hand while licking the blood off, and she ate it balloon was terrified as apple went for a attack but suitcase quickly fought her off, with success as she ate apples stem before apple ran off balloon just stood there as his new missing hand was now gone and it was bleeding, but suitcase was quick to open and grab something similar to a hand and managed to make it stick in his arm, it wasn't perfect but it was better than nothing. She made a happy noise before grabbing him and hugging him. "It's amazing to see you doing great! Maybe the others will-" suite case immediately made a mad sound "you don't want to see them? Why?" "She used her black like tentacles and made a drawings that explained why. "Oh.. you can't leave the area?" She nodded "hmm... how about I visit you then! So you won't be alone!" She immediately agreed with that idea and let balloon leave.

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