Part four

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Knife spent days in the room, he could feel the mutation take over slowly, oj watched in horror for knife, but something felt off, knife was still himself. He wasn't violent or anything. He just himself. Oj took notes on the virus due test tube it being available to do it.

Note 1:

I've been studying the virus since test tube is no longer with us, I have noticed some things with the mutations and the virus. For starters they gain more intelligence then they had before and can make traps and that's absolutely terrifying.. they also mimic the voices who they killed as a way to lure people. I wouldn't be surprised if they already got to the town...

Note 2:

Knife has developed some new features, longer legs and arms with sharper claws, he also started to grow sharper teeth and gained a tail that resembles a scythe. But again no signs of aggression.. I began to put the others to see what he would do and he would just have a small chat with them before it would go silent again. Is he immune?..

Note 3:

I managed to study paintbrush a bit without getting caught (somehow-) and I noticed that they are completely blind, they use their incredible hearing and sense of smell to get around. But they could only say one word and I will admit I was kinda surprised when they said it. They kept calling out knife's name... but that aside I found out some new stuff.

1. Paintbrush uses their tail as a weapon and will any unsuspecting victims, they would use their mimicking tactic to lure them in.

2. Paintbrush has a permanent smile and uses their tongue to find a track that could lead to a victim.

3. They use their fire ability as a light source despite being completely blind, but I later learned that they use it to keep track of smell and the light somehow makes the scents stronger.

4. Last one, they use their art skills to make it look like someone was alive and it's really effective to catch new victims.. some times they sound like one of people in the hotel like someon was singing and drawing. It's horrifying to see how this brand new intelligence to their advantage...

Test tubes-

Note 1: Test tube uses her green liquid to grabbed her next meal and some times uses it to melt down an area to get though.

Note 2: despite having white eyes she isn't blind, she gained incredible eye sight and can see beyond miles when chasing a victim. But she lost her sense of smell completely.

Note 3: she also uses the mimic tactic like paintbrush but use it differently, she would use  marshmallows voice and bang on the hotel doors to make it appear someone was trapped and it was a success to get a meal...

I'll keep up with new updates and things I learn about this, town was already effected a few days ago and is now deserted of any life it once had... me, pickle, trophy and lightbulb are the ones that gather food and supplies while the others stay in the lab. They keep an eye on knife but he had already fully mutated but isn't hostile in any way, he was still... sane and himself. I need to study him more and find out why.

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