Part 24

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Hours passed, knife didn't know how long he was in there for but he was talking to Mephone and oj on the walkie talkie.

"So that's what happened?! Paintbrush gained some memory!?"

"Yea and chill out, your making me deaf over here"

"Oh sorry"

Oj said with a nervous laugh, mephone took the walkie talkie from oj.

"We will let you go, remember be careful"

The 'call' ended and knife hid the walkie talkie once more. He stretched but that was interrupted when he heard a screaming, he quickly pressed his head to the door to hear the commotion.


"Get Mr. Cobs! He can put them to sleep!"

Knife could feel his heart beating, what was going on over there??? He heard the screeching, he knew who it was and he knew he needed to control them, what the hell did the workers do to make paintbrush like that? Knife began to slam himself against the door and of course it hurt like shit but he kept going and adding more force with each hit. He could finally hear some creaking and he used this last blow and the door was broken open, he made his way to the screeching and screaming and he looked in horror as paintbrush was eating a poor worker alive.

"It's 015! He can probably help us!"

"What happened here!?"

"We don't know! They just went wild when they gotten angry about their daily medication!"

Knife started thinking, was it the sanity countering the cure? He shook his head and pulled paintbrush away from the barley alive worker, they were screaming in anger then they scratched knife's eye, he yelped in pain but pinned them down and made the face him. Their eyes completely black but their expression showed anger. He could feel the blood dripping from his torn eye but kept his composure

"Paintbrush! Snap out of it and calm down!"

They screeched back, he needed to think of something quick before they try killing the poor workers again, he looked around and saw a speaker

"You! Put something calming! It could work!"

"Like what!?"

"I don't know!! A water fall!?"

The worker left to do that while the others locked themselves in a different room leaving knife alone with the monster, they bit his arm and knife quickly retraced his arm but paintbrush pinned him down. He looked at them and they were now smiling and it was a terrifying one, he could feel his arms getting tired from him breaking be door earlier and paintbrush used that to their advantage, they opened their mouth to take a bite out of him but something came on, a water fall sound. They quickly looked around while covering their head and they screeching to block the sound, knife used his scythe tail to block their mouth, luckily his tail didn't feel any pain. The waterfall noises continued and paintbrush was slowly collapsing to the ground, they stopped trying to screech and began to fall but knife caught them, he looked and they were now asleep from the look from it.


Paintbrush didn't respond but did move a little, the workers came back out and other went to help the barley alive worker, knife looked the workers kept their distance, they were obviously traumatized by this, he looked back at paintbrush who was now holding onto him like he was a stuffed animal or something.

"We need to tell-"

"I saw it all"

All looked and cobs was there smiling

"Keep 015 with 009, if anything happens again, your fellow worker is being treated, speaking of treatment start tending to 015's eye before it's gone"

"Y-yes sir..."

The worker said with a shaky voice, cobs left and the workers took knife and paintbrush to a bigger room and began the treatment on his eye.

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