Part 21

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Knife groaned as he opened his eyes and saw a white ceiling, get looked around and realized he was in a room. He went back before this and remembered his and Mephone plan, he checked his tail and the walkie talkie was still there and that was a good thing. He slowly stood up before shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, the room was dark. He stood us and walked a little trying to see if he could locate the door or an exit of some sort, but the lights turned in and knife quickly covered his eyes from the light.

"Subject 015 is now awake sir"

"Excellent, oh and leave him to me.."

The worker nodded and left the room so cobs can do what he wanted. Cobs grabbed the mic and tapped it.

"Hello Subject 015, I know your not dangerous"


"And I know Mephone is still alive during this situation"

Knife continued to listen to the mic but the talking stopped and the door opened.

"Come on now, speak."

Knife hesitated but eventually did

"How do you know I'm not hostile?"

"It wasn't hard, you just didn't really give the.. hostility aura"

Knife just stood there and stared at him, he was confident he had something to do with the virus outbreak. Cobs reached in his pocket and took out a piece of paper.

"Let's make a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yes, if you sign this contract then I'll not preform any experiments on you like I originally intended. And you'll have some access to some areas, but you cannot try leave or escaping this place. And I'll take samples of your blood once every three days"

"What will do you if I try huh?"

Cobs made a grin before showing a screen to knife, knife looked and saw that paintbrush was put in some room and there was someone with a weapon aiming at their head though a hole in the glass but it looked like they didn't even notice as they quickly went to the art supplies that were laid on the ground.

"Then they will never see their friends nor family ever again."

Knife looked in terror as paintbrush was just innocently doodling not knowing that weapon at their head.

"Give me a pen"

Cobs smiled and gave him one and knife signed the paper and cobs looked at it with pride.

"Pleasure doing business with you, and you'll receive something later. For now try and get use to your new room"

Cobs left and knife could feel his blood boil in anger at him, practically putting paintbrush's life at risk just because of his actions. Knife laid on his white bed in anger before hearing something go off.

"Knife you there?"

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