Part 30

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The three made their way to the third floor once more, they were just lucky not much boxes and crates were moved, bookshelves remained.

"Me and pickle will get paintbrush out and you look for that cure"

Knife gave a thumbs up and they went their separate ways, pickle and taco to get paintbrush and knife getting that cure, taco and pickle went down the hall and saw a employee turn a corner, taco quickly opened the door that was near them and dragged pickle inside and shutting it

"Ugh! How many employees are there!? Getting around will be difficult!"

"Uh taco?"

Pickle grabbed Taco by the shoulder and faced her to where some employee clothing was being held at, both looked at each and smirked. The door opened and both walked out and were now blending in they walked and passed an employee



Both quickly made their way to were paintbrush was at and taco was about to pick the lock but pickle tapped her and both quickly got away from her door as an employee approached them

"This job sucks! We are over here getting killed by that thing in there! I know it's evil to say this but I'm glad on what cobs did to them"

"What did he do?"

"Well he went in their stomach and put little bit of the virus that was recently modified so he could see the affects, as for the throat I think he tinkered with their breathing cords a bit"

"What!? Why cut them open!? Can't he just give them a shot?"

"He wanted to see what it would do to the inside flesh"

Both pickle and taco stood there with horror and disgust plastered on their face

"Well see ya later, I'm gonna grab some coffee"

The worker left and taco and pickle immediately went to picking the lock

Knife was in cobs office/lab and was practically digging through everything

"Come on.."

Knife saw a safe and tried to guess the code but of course failed

"There gotta be something here that had the code.."

He looked around and saw a banner above the door with words on it, but he noticed some didn't look like letters, he looked closely and saw a number! 1345! He quickly put the number and the safe opened, bingo! He grabbed it and was about to leave but heard something in the hall, he looked around to see there was a hiding spot but nothing the door opened and cobs entered the room with a employee

"So, 009 is still asleep?"

"Yes, right now there isn't any effects as we speak sir"

"Then we have no choice but to wait, can you grab me a coffee?"

"Yes sir"

The worker left to get that and cobs opened his laptop, he went to a file and began typing, knife was hanging on the ceiling like a cartoon cat would when scared, he quietly made his way to the door and made his way out of the door and once out he quickly went back to where he was at earlier but dumped into 2 people, shit! Employees!



He took off the mask and smiled

"Did you get the device?"

"Yea, did you get paintbrush?"

Taco went to the thing that pickle was pushing and removed the blanket, knife looked and paintbrush was there, they removed the machines but didn't remove the breathing mask

"We tried to remove the mask but they couldn't breathe so we had to keep it"

"That's fine, all we gotta do is leave"

"Or stick with our deal"

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