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Song: Still- Dove Cameron

AN: Lets cleanse our angsty palettes with some soft lovin 

AN: Lets cleanse our angsty palettes with some soft lovin 

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The Witch

Within twenty minutes, we were assigned a room designed to house four occupants. We laid Malachi down carefully in the bed. His

I couldn't stand the way he shivered. He couldn't even maintain his body temperature. He was so cold and frail. It broke my heart to see him like this.

I wrapped him in several layers of blankets just to make sure he stayed warm and turned to Levi.

"We need to talk," I said quietly, brushing past him into the hallway.

Levi followed me out.

"Shut the door," I said firmly.

He did as I asked without question.

"I know what you're going to tell me—"

"Oh, you do? Perfect. That saves me a lot of fucking time," I snapped, careful to keep my voice low. "What is wrong with you? I understand that you are still angry with him and maybe you weren't as over it as you made me believe, but what the fuck, Levi. You saw what they did to him. How could you treat him like that? You could have waited to continue your grudge until after he wasn't so ripped apart."

Levi dropped his head, hands placing themselves on his hips.

"I am so used to having to shove down my feelings for his sake," he said, a bitter laugh escaping. "I think this time I couldn't fucking swallow it. Ya know? I tried. I fucking tried to keep my cool. But when he dragged you back in again I lost it, Cor. Because I know I fucked up. I know I played a role in dragging you away from your family. I just want to make it fucking right. You should be up there. Not down here."

I shook my head. "It's too late for that, Levi. They've already opened Pandora's box. All we can do from here is finish what was started," I said, softening my voice slightly. "I'm too dangerous to be near my family anyway, Levi. Going back would just put them closer to danger and I can't do that to them. So I'm staying until this is done."

Levi laughed quietly to himself. "Yea. Got it."

I could hear how bitter he was. I could see it in his eyes how cold he was becoming. I didn't understand. How could I? This was not the male I had known. Something happened.

"One day, you're going to explain this to me. You're going to tell me exactly how you changed," I swallowed. "Because this isn't you. I refuse to believe you are like this."

"You are forgetting one crucial detail, darling," he muttered. "We are demons. Of course this is our nature. We are petty and cruel and bloodthirsty animals. Mal is facing that realization as we speak. He would kill you in a heartbeat. All it would take is one second of him dropping his guard and that would be it."

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