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Song: An empty bliss- Krim (getting some off putting 50's music for the vibes)

AN: It starts slow, but we'll get some action toward the end. Mal won't let them win. And Hecate will get what's comin to her... eventually 🤭🤪🤫

 eventually 🤭🤪🤫

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The Shadow

Hecate wasn't lying when she had told me I wouldn't leave this room until she had secured her future with me. I hadn't felt the open air in over two weeks. And if she was ever invited out with some of her female friends, the door locked behind her on the way out.

I was nothing but meat to them. Just a way to continue the bloodline.

I would probably never be able to leave this room ever again, if all the cards fell correctly.

Hecate was too blinded by her greed. She had no idea that I kept several vials of a contraceptive blood curse hidden in the back of my bathroom drawer. Just a few drops would stop whatever she took from me from taking root. Thank fucking hell.

But it didn't stop her from going above and beyond when it came to the degradation. She took pleasure in seeing me on my knees for her, forcing me to submit whenever there was an opportunity for her to do so.

I had returned to my passive state of existence. I wouldn't fight back. What was the point? I had nothing left to bargain with. With all of my deals and all of my contracts, I was still just an insect beneath my fathers shoes.

"You haven't eaten anything, my love," Hecate spoke flatly, making me jolt out of my bleak headspace.

We sat near the permanently shut window at a table made for two, a clean white cloth covering the surface of it. A crystal bowl of shiny golden apples lay between us. I pushed the food on my stupidly ornate plate with my stupidly shiny silver fork and I looked down at the raw meat that sat on it.

I had taken more than the recommended dose of my bloodcurse. Nausea had become the only reliable sensation in my body. That and exhaustion. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. All I could do, day in and day out, was stare blankly out my window in absolute silence.

"Must I remind you that we are already postponing the ceremony until your father returns from his diplomatic trip to the Second Circle? You can't look like a malnourished skeleton at that altar," she grumbled.

My cracked lips parted and I took in a weak breath. "I'll– do what I can to get presentable," I rasped.

"At least take one bite," she said, her tone softening as if she actually cared about my well being beyond what her selfish desires called for. "For me."

I swallowed hard. My throat felt like sandpaper. My silence had made my vocal chords weak with time.

I looked down at my plate again. I had nothing to cut my food with. Apparently I wasn't allowed to have anything sharp within reaching distance of my person. Either because it posed a threat to her... or because it posed a threat to me.

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