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Song: In the House, Without a Heartbeat- John Murphy

AN: **THIS IS A TRUST THE PROCESS CHAPTER.... PLEASE TRUST ME I PROMISE I WONT LET YOU DOWN I STG... (I know how testy y'all can get with these sort of things and I'm just letting you know now... THE STORY AINT DONE UNTIL I SAY) 😭🥲**

PS... on a completely different note, I got a new laptop and she's fast as fuck. Y'all will be getting updates basically three times a week at this rate. Cheers 🥂 

 Cheers 🥂 

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The Witch

We were moving again. Forward unto death. I could feel time slipping between my fingers as I walked beside him. It wasn't my time I was losing. It was his.

But the Reaper remained a firm presence even with his fate looming over him like an anvil waiting to drop. His steps were smooth. His hand as it held mine was gentle and calming. He was unshaken and unafraid.

He did not falter.

It was bittersweet to see him like this. He was so at ease, even with everything that would eventually happen. I wanted to hold onto this. I wanted to hold onto him.

But as we entered a large cavernous chamber, that soft feeling became cold. Even this huge space seemed to close in around me. I was nowhere near as brave as my counterpart and it showed.

Where he stood firm, I shook.

I was scared. I had never been so terrified in my life. Whatever was going to happen in this place, would be carved into me for the rest of my life. And it would leave a terrible scar.

From the opposite side of the room, something moved toward us. A male shrouded in dark robes wearing a golden mask...

Like what the hunters had worn.

Panic made me seize up almost instantly as he approached.

"It'll be alright," the Reaper said softly. "You have to trust me."

I would trust him with my life, but this?

"No," I shuddered, swallowing hard. "I cant—"

"You can," he said firmly. Then he moved to face me, his hands gliding up my arms to hold just beneath my jaw. "And you will."

"We can still run," I begged.

His eyes bore into mine, lips tightening into a thin line. But he said nothing.

My plea went unanswered.

"Reaper," I tried again. "At least let me—"

"No deals," he said firmly. "Swear to me. No matter what they promise you, you will not make any deals."


He shut his eyes tiredly, leaning his forehead down against mine as he let out a breath.

"Please don't fight me on this," he swallowed. "I don't want to leave this world wondering if it meant anything at all."

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