
497 19 14

Song: Blood Sport- Sleep Token 



The Shadow

I watched her calmly pull a chair out and sit elegantly upon it. I had only just enough dignity to not throw myself at her feet. I sat in my chair deathly still except for my nails digging into the shiny wood arms. I had no control over anything else. My heart was racing inside my chest yet my lungs were paralyzed.

All I could do was just look at her. All I could do was just take her in, absorb any and every drop of her essence I could before my father returned and I was dragged back under.

"So," she began curtly. "Can I count on you six gentlemen to forget this batshit fucking crazy plan to invade the mortal plane? Or do I need to do a little more convincing?"

I could tell she had done something there. Four out of the six seemed to shift uncomfortably, their eyes shifting to one another. Belial and Helius only narrowed their eyes at her dangerously.

Be careful, Coralynn... you're powerful but not untouchable yet.

"We were promised a great many things, priestess," Helius shrugged. "All of which would would vastly improve my lands and the infernals that reside there. So all I ask is this— what is in it for us, my dear Priestess."

She remained stone faced, but I felt her urging me to point the negotiation in the right direction for her.

My mouth opened at her command, and my dry voice filled the tense silence.

"That would depend on what we can get my father to agree upon," I said, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. "Why don't you state exactly what you require and I'll see if we can come to terms—"

"Where is your father, boy," Belial snickered. "I have no interest in speaking with a freshly turned infernal female and her pet. That was all just for show. She's no better than one of those con artists that pass themselves for magicians."

I slammed my palm down hard against the polished wooden table top, earning six pairs of eyes in my direction.

"Disrespect my High Priestess again and I'll have your tongue, Belial. That goes for all of you," I growled. "Now state your terms or fuck off."

Coralynn glanced over at me. There was a slight glint of gratitude in her eyes, but I paid no attention to that softer feeling it invoked. I would have to live a life of a literal saint to be able to make up for the shit I've done and even that wouldn't be enough.

Belial snorted. "You know what we want but you assholes in the Seventh keep holding out on us. How the fuck are we supposed to survive when only one thousand of my infernals are allowed to hunt per cycle. All the while, you assholes send up thousands at a time to feed like pigs."

I lifted a brow. "You know why we can't send more of you guys up, my lord. If the bastards upstairs find out we've been encroaching on their property, we're fucked. We decided that since most of hell resides in the Seventh now, we shifted the amount of hunting licenses to better suit the population of each territory. This is to prevent another ass kicking from our feathered friends."

"Bullshit," Belial snarled. "You fuckers think you're better than us!"

Fucking pride.

"Here we go again," I sighed, rubbing my temples tiredly.

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