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Hoseok shrieked, involuntarily shivering to
the sudden close proximity.
Their lips were so close,
any slight movement would bring them together...

...Shutting you up...

"Wh- what are you doing?!" Hoseok panicked, wide gaze at the alpha.

"Shutting you up." Yoongi answered, his voice horrendously low, sending unexplainable shivers down the omega's spine.

He leaned closer to the omega, their lips grazing against each other. "If you don't keep quiet and listen to me... I might kiss you." He whispered, holding back the urge to actually kiss those tempting sweet plum lips. A smile played at the corner of his lips as he watched the omega's face go red.

"You- you wouldn't dare."

Yoongi smirked, leaning closer. He placed a light peck at the side of his lips. "Trust me."

Hoseok's eyes fluttered close, visibly shuddering to the gentle sensation, heat pulling up in his entire body... and when he opened his eyes, Yoongi swore he saw a flicker of purple flash in his eyes.

That was new, the only colour He knew of was that of gold and his natural dark brown orbs. He wasn't surprised the omega pocessed different eye colours depending on his emotions. That's why he was a JADE, a rare unique being.

Hoseok felt his knees go weak, even still in the alpha's embrace. "Leave me." He muttered, his voice barely audible as he pushed weakly on the alpha's chest.

Yoongi did listen, although, not making any attempt to move away. He now had his arms crossed over his chest, watching the obviously wrecked omega. He watched the omega stumble a little bit, his back hitting softly on the door. Yoongi knew to stand guard in case he fell.

Hoseok had his gaze everywhere else but on the man standing in front of him. "W-what where you saying." He finally said.

Yoongi retreated further, back to his table. He picked up the once abandoned file and returned to the omega.

"Like I said, this is a pretend marriage-..."

"I don't want to get married!"

"Listen. To. Me!" Yoongi pointed firmly, closing the space between them again.

Hoseok shivered, pressing his back further into the door, wide gaze stuck on the alpha's chest, which was the only thing in his line of vision.

"Will you now?" Yoongi spoke his tone still having that dominating aura in it.

Hoseok took in a shaky breath, nodding his head slowly.

"Good." Yoongi went on speaking, clearing his throat. "This contract is not real, marriage is the only way you can be left alone without having to worry about someone else taking you, but I know you don't want it, so I came up with this..." he completed, handing the stack of papers to the omega.

"You can go through it as much as you want for any loop hole or whatever you don't want. It's fake, but we'll have to be going by whatever you approve until the contract is over."

"How long is it?"

"Two years." Yoongi answered, hands over his waist as he watched the omega flip through the papers.

Hoseok paused, gaze stuck on the papers. "That's too far." He mumbled.

"That's the shortest it can go.' Yoongi clarified. If it went any shorter, it would be suspicious.

"Is there something else that can be done besides this?"

"Unless the people who started this mess are gotten rid off, then you'll be completely free. I'm still working on that, it's pretty hard knowing all of them, plus it will take a lot of time to achieve that. With this contract, you can walk as free as you want, as long as you're still connected to me legally. The fake contract is a way to buy me enough time to fish out who they are."

Hoseok's fingers trembled slightly as he held the stack of papers, his mind racing with the implications of what Yoongi was proposing. A fake marriage contract? It sounded absurd, but the gravity in Yoongi's tone told him this was no joke.

He let out a soft sign, biting mildly into his bottom lips. This sounded like a great idea, but he was skeptical. He didn't think he could wait for two extra years for his life to be normal, but at the same time, that seemed to be the best option.

Not that he wasn't patient, the problem was Yoongi himself. Having to stay with the alpha for two years and pretend to be his mate was what he couldn't stand. He wasn't sure he could survive if he was this close to the alpha constantly. Their present situation and whatever had just transpired between them a few minutes ago was a clear image of what Hoseok feared. He for sure would have fainted if yoongi had gone even a little bit farther that that simple gentle peck. The mild electric tingles and the strangely comforting minty scent illuminating him was enough proof for that. If he was to pass by someone, they would think he had just been scented by the alpha...

"I see you're having a hard time deciding." Yoongi spoke, jolting Hoseok out of his thought.

Another thing about the alpha that Hoseok just realized was personal space. It looked like Yoongi didn't know what personal space was, for it looked like he kept getting nearer even with the almost non existence proximity between them.

"You can take your time as much as you want, you don't have to feel pressured." He spoke with a surprisingly gentle tone. This was the first time Hoseok would hear him speak with such soft tone.

Hoseok clutched the papers close to his chest, his gaze still not able to meet the taller. "Alright, I'll- I'll think about it... thanks."

A small smile thugged on the taller's lips, his hands crossed over his chest, and gaze still gawking over the omega. A long minute silence fell between them before Hoseok chose to break it.

"C- can I go now?"

"Sure, you can." Yoongi answered, taking a step back, finally giving the omega a breathing space.

Hoseok let out a relieved breath, turning around quickly, but soon frowned, realizing he couldn't open the door. He turned around timidly, facing the alpha back again.

"T- the door."

Yoongi moved forward once again, his hands going behind the omega to grip on the knob. After a single twist, the door opened. He looked down towards the omega and couldn't help but smile widely.

The omega had his eyes squeezed shut, his free hand balled up in a tight fist, obviously shivering from how close they were.

Yoongi leaned down to his level, his lips grazing over his ear. "It's opened." He husked Into his ear, and he swore he could hear the slightest whimper from the omega.

Hoseok didn't waste one more second in waiting. He sprinted out quicker than he could calculate.


Here you go guys, don't forget to vote please.

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