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It always surprised Mako how he
could always plan ahead of time,
no matter how limited or short it was.

The JADE...

Hoseok didn't know how it happened, but before the omega knew it,he was being whisked by guards out of his cell, towards the head office, hands bounded behind his back, heavy chains on his legs, slowing down his steps, eyes blindfolded, mouth gagged.

Honestly, the omega was still confused how that happened so quickly. Normally, he was always alert whenever a guard was approaching, and knew what time of the day a guard was supposed to pass by, or what time of the day he was to be whisked out for his punishment or toture lesson like they always called it, but this was different, he didn't even have enough seconds to get Mako's attention.

Being confused as ever, the omega remained calm, allowing his body to be dragged roughly by the guards. A few more turns were made before they finally reached their supposed stop. He was thrown to the ground on command, and he could hear the guards footsteps retracting followed by the closing of a large iron door.

"Take his blind off." He heard an old gruff voice command, one which he could vaguely remember.

The cloth was pulled away from his eyes, and Hoseok found himself squinting to the sudden bright light. Goddamn! When last had he seen an artificial light this bright?

Taking note of his surroundings, Hoseok counted the people in the room,  there were five of them, four hefty looking men that had a different uniform compared to that of the silo's guards, and finally... an old man. An old man that Hoseok could recognize even if he had his eyes and eardrums plucked out. The third person on his revenge list that he had vowed to kill when he finally collects his freedom back.


He was looking much more older now, greyer hair, greyer beards, thinner than he used to be, having to be supported by a walking stick. His health was surely deteriorating, his death was near. But Hoseok wanted to be the one to kill him.

Hoseok's head tilted to the side. Now it was all making sense, all his guesses yesterday were right. He had prepared ahead of this, there was no way he was loosing in both ways. If he was going to be brought out of the silo today, that would mean a whole different plan, a new one that he would have to do all by himself. What just pained him is that there wouldn't be any Mako around him again.

The old man got up, making his way towards the kneeling boy. "I see you've been tamed well." He gruffed, circling the omega. "You're ripe enough now and perfectly shaped, just the exact way I wanted." He bent down to the omega's level, gripping the boys chin, inspecting his face.

"Hmmm... a pretty thing too. I bet you can provide me some grand children before I die."

Hoseok would have vomited if not for the mouth gag. 'I'm not your fucking breeder!' was what he would have yelled out if this old rag in his mouth was loosened.

"take him to my abode." He commanded to the two men who'd been standing behind the omega.

Hoseok found him self being led towards the entrance of the silo, eyes blindfolded once again. Before he knew it, he was being pushed into the back of a van.

His plan was working. He'd worked this out with mako the night before, and if it goes perfectly well, he'd promised to come for Mako and the rest.

They were on the wheel for long hours that the omega fell asleep twice. He couldn't tell were they were due to his blindfolded eyes, but he could tell they were still probably in the woods due to the chirping bird sound he'd been hearing and the bumpy Road they were driving on all through their journey.


Yoongi signed, stomping on his exhausted cigarette. He was supposed to be on his way to his father's house by now, to pick his mum and his sister... and... his "gift"

Honestly, the alpha had no use with this gift, but knowing it was worth a lot of money was the only thing that got him interested. It still wasn't sitting right with him why the son of a then millionaire would be sold by his own father if he knew how much he was worth. And why was he worth so much anyway?

Of course, it's because he's a JADE.

JADES We're extremely rare decendants of the ROSELIA EMPIRE. Hoseok's mum was from the line of the ROSELIA, (although wasn't a JADE), and had died mysteriously after the birth of the omega.

Now Yoongi didn't know much about this JADE shit, but one thing he knew was that the ROSELIAS were the first and biggest branch of mafia, but began to destroy when jealous sub families came into the picture. The Alpha was still very little then, but he could remember there was a lot of blood shed at that time. The ROSELIA Empire was crumbled entirely to the ground.

Now, the MIN EMPIRE was presently the biggest mafia, and had retained their position for a long time now, with sub branches everywhere and it's head quarters at Russia, where Yoongi was presently in. His father had stepped down for Yoongi a year ago, on his twenty first birthday, although the old man was still in control of some activities.

Making his way out of his room, he went down the stairs, the staffs and maids working around bowing to him as soon as the Alpha passed them.

"Get a ride prepared, I'm going to Hungjae's abode." He said to his secretary who was hurrying after him.

He stopped at the entrance, remembering something. "Make it two rides, and bring probably three or four guards along. Also, before I return, get the maids to prepare three rooms."

"Alright sir. Do I have to come with-..."

"No." Yoongi interrupted. "Stay here and make sure everything is prepared. My mum and sister is coming, so prepare the best rooms and get the chef's to cook something for them.

"Yes sir." The woman nodded, typing down all his instructions on her ipad.

"Good. I need to go."


Here you go guys, don't forget to vote please.

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