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It was probably a new model for all the cars
he knew his father had before he was held
hostage were not as beautiful as this.

...fuck you. I'm not telling you shit...

The omega studied the guard sitting to his left, who was concentrated on his phone. Turning to his right, he was met with the other guard slowly dozing off.

He scoffed, turning his gaze to the other two at the front. Those were the only ones who seemed alert, exchanging little conversations.

His first plan was to get rid of the rope bounded around his wrist. He'd tried slacking it several times but it wasn't working. He needed something to cut it.

Observing his surroundings one more time, he caught sight of a card peaking out the passenger seat guard's pocket.

Yes! He needed that!

Pretending to loose balance as they went over a bump, the omega leaned forward, slipping out the card from his pocket, hiding it below his palm

"Watch it kid." The guard at his left gruffed. The omega froze, hoping he hadn't been caught. He wasn't caught. Thank goodness. Hoseok let out an invisible relieved breath, as he watched the guard go back to dozing off.

Now he needed to cut this rope, his wrists were beginning to ache. Ensuring no one's attention was on him, he brought out the blunt card, making, swipes on the rope. It didn't seem to be working, but as he continued, adding more pressure, the rope finally loosened. Hiding the card under the strap of his short, he went back to Observing, hiding the loosened side of the rope under his wrist.

A few more minutes passed, and they were driving into what looked like an estate, cause it was.

The omega watched as the Don's little sister came down from the car in front of them, running into the mansion, his mother followed, and then, there was the Don himself, making his way after them into the mansion.

Now was the time to strike. The door to his car opened, and the omega was dragged out of the car, being pulled to walk behind the Don. There were only two guards leading him into the mansion now.

He smiled. much more easy.

Within the blink of an eye, he'd knocked out one of the guards with an elbow blow to his groin, sending him with a painful roar to the ground. The second guard, not having enough time to react, was sent a stinging kick to the face, blurring his vision for a few seconds. That was enough time for Hoseok to knock his knee into his nose. He was sure he heard a crack. You should be lucky I didn't kill you.

Backing away from the now groaning guards who were still fighting to stand back on their feet, the omega back was met with a hard chest, strong arm wrapping firmly around his waist, raising his feet off the ground.


Hoseok struggled to get out of his grip, kicking and scratching, all to no avail, he was much more stronger than he even looked.

"I thought as much." He heard his deep voice rasp behind him, as he began carrying him into the mansion, with Hoseok still struggling in his arm.

Hoseok sure needed enough time and practice before he could defeat this man. He was way too strong for the omega to handle. Despite his six years of torturous practice, he couldn't even fight against one single arm, the same arm that was presently carrying him.

But he didn't think he could wait that long, he'll do all he could to fuck out of here as quick as possible. He had no business with the Don anyway, the person on his target list was his father. But if the omega needed to be set free, he would have to find a way to deal with this one.

They got to a room and Hoseok was slammed to the wall, arms twisted to his back into a lock position, preventing him from struggling any further.

"If you make one stupid move again, I swear to god, I'll blow out your skull!!" The Alpha growled behind him, his arm pressing the omega into the wall, forcing a hand cuff around his wrist.

Hoseok gave up struggling, knowing he wasn't going to win anyway, plus he wasn't ready to get his skull blown out.

"At least, let me breath! you're sucking the air out of me!" Hoseok forced out, his breathing uncomfortable from how hard he was being pressed against the wall.

Yoongi let go, retreating a few steps away from him. It's not like he could run now, his hands were cuffed behind his back in a very uncomfortable position.

"Sit." Yoongi commanded, motioning to a single chair in front of him.

Hoseok had his glaring gaze at the Alpha, attempting to provoke him. It didn't seem to work on Yoongi, for the alpha himself had his Stone glare on him. Hoseok gave up again, breaking the glaring contest, feeling disappointed in himself for loosing twice in less than an hour against a single man.

He was too ashamed to admit it, the alpha's stone glare intimidated him to the core. He felt his knees weakening at just that stare.

"Sit." Yoongi repeated more firmly, his tone deadly.

Hoseok pushed himself off the wall, moving towards the chair. He stopped in front of the chair, turning to Yoongi. "Won't you take this off first?" He tried, motioning to the hand cuff behind him. "It's twisting my bones." He made a pained face, pretending to be in pain. Honestly, it was really uncomfortable.

"Not until you listen to me." Came the alpha's firm voice, arms crossed over his chest, stone glare still boring into the omega.

Hoseok signed, eventually giving in and taking his seat.

"Since you already know my intentions, I'm guessing you'll make your security around me tighter. I'll advise you not to do that, That'll just be a waste of humans. I'm not as easy as I look, they call me THE JADE for a reason."

Yoongi scoffed, making his way towards the large office table in the room. "So you do know you're a JADE? That's impressive." He sat down, dialing a number on the table phone.

"I need you in my office right now" He said to the phone before dropping it, taking his attention back to Hoseok, elbows rested on his table.

"Tell me what I don't know about you."

Hoseok's head tilted to the side, His pupils dilating to that of a golden color, a clear sign that he's been provoked.

So he does know me. How much does he knows?

"Fuck you. I'm not telling you shit."

Yoongi smiled, leaning into his seat. "You don't have to. I'll find out myself."


Here you go guys, please don't forget to vote.

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