🌹ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 24🥀

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"Are you like some big shot here?" I asked looking at the boy making him laugh.

"Big shot....that's an interesting term. Why do you feel so?" Zayn asked tilting his head slightly.

"That angel from earlier.." I start

"Austin?" Zayn asks.

I nod.

"Yeah. That Austin guy seemed to be scared of you." I said remembering the look on the guy's face.

Zayn just laughed.

He has such a pretty laugh....

"What's so funny?" I asked frowning.

"You know, it's funny you trusted me so quickly. What if I'm Satan's son or something?" Zayn asked smirking.

I felt my face going pale.

Fuck I didn't think of that.

Looking at my face Zayn threw his head back laughing, then just shook his head and said "Don't worry, I'm not."

I sighed relaxing a little.

"I'm someone even more powerful than Satan himself." Zayn smirked smugly and walked away.

What have I gotten myself into.

I sigh and continue looking around, searching for my classroom.

"Hello" A green eyes boy said smiling charmingly at me.

Please don't be another asshole.

I scanned him from head to toe.

No wings. Good.

"Hi" I finally replied smiling.

"For a moment here I thought you'd walk away cause you don't like the way I dress" I boy chuckled. "Harry." He said sticking out his hand to me.

"Liam. Nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand with a smile.

"Right back at ya! Are you a human?" Harry asked and I nodded.

"Amazing, come along then. We got the same class!" Harry smiled and began walking out.

I sighed in relief, happy that I'm not the only human and followed Harry.

"Why are we leaving the building?" I asked confused.

"Noxus is a HUUUUUGE institution. Every building holds different classes. This building is for advanced students only. We newbies are supposed to go there." Harry said pointing to the only building that was decorated.

They made it so obvious yet I got lost. I'm clearly an idiot.

"Mark?" The guard asked.

Harry rolled up his sleeve, showing a beautiful sunflower engraved on his arm. The guard nodded and turned to me expectantly.

I hesitated, clearly knowing I had no such marks. Harry noticed my hesitation and whispered "Don't worry, just show your arm"

I don't have much of a choice I guess.

I slowly rolled my sleeves and showed my arm, looking away from the guard.

"Alright, you may enter." The guard said and Harry pulled me in.

"Wait what? How?? I know for a fact I have no marks!" I asked confused.

"Everyone mortal automatically gets a mark as soon as they enter the campus. For the immortals, they're born with it." Harry explained.

"You mean even demons have a flower mark?" I asked surprised making Harry chuckle.

"No they don't. Birthright angels and demons don't have the mark. They have other characteristics like, wings for example. The ones belonging to the Flower Kingdom are the ones born with the flower mark, and so on." Harry explained and I nodded.

"Oh I see." I said.

"We're here!" Harry said entering the classroom.

A blue eyed guy waved us and we went and joined him.

"I didn't know there were so many humans here!" I gasped making the blue eyed guy and Harry exchange looks.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked confused.

"We're not humans." The blue eyed guy said.

I looked at the confused.

"Niall." He said stretching his hand out to me.

"Liam." I said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meetcha, Liam the human!" Niall grinned.

"Don't call me that!" I frowned making the boys chuckle.

"Alright, just Liam then." Niall said and I nodded.

"What are you two then?" I asked curious.

"I'm a half-blood" Harry answered.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"My dad was a human and my mum is-was an angel. Since she fell in love with a human, the Angels tore off her wings and exiled her to Earth. She didn't mind though cause my dad took great care of her and made her live like a Queen until his last breath." Harry said smiling sadly. "Because of this, I look like a human but I have my mum's powers." He added.

"So you are as strong as the immortals?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"Just half as powerful" Harry sighed.

"Something is better than nothing, bro!" Niall patted Harry's back making him nod.

"I come from the Elven kingdom." Niall said smiling and that's when I noticed his pointed ears.

How did I miss that?

"I don't know what they tell you back down there but we are definitely not evil and my family expertises in visions." Niall said proudly.

"Wow!" I said making Niall grin from ear to ear.

"Did you meet any other immortals?" Harry asked and I nodded.

"There was this angel...Austin" I said making Niall groan.

"Ugh. That guy is definitely a demon in an Angel's body I'm telling you" Niall said rolling his eyes.

"Even Luci doesn't act like him" Harry said and Niall nodded in agreement.

"Luci?" I asked confused.

"Lucifer, aka Satan's one and only son." Harry replied.

So he indeed was not Satan's son.

"Leave that, tell me how did you manage to escape from Austin?" Niall asked curious.

"Somebody saved me." I replied remembering Zayn.

"Ooh Liam's saviour! Did he have wings too?" Harry asked and I nodded.

"What colour? Black?? Red???" Niall asked, clearly expecting a demon but I shook my head.

"They weren't black but I can't remember the colour. What I do remember is that he was rude" I frowned making Niall and Harry look at me dumbfounded.

"What did he say?" Harry asked.

"He said, I quote" I said making air quotes "I'm stronger than Satan himself" I say remembering that smug smirk "And then just walked away. Also he gave me a lecture on what to NOT do" I said growing more and more annoyed.

"OH.MY.GOD." Niall said freaking out.


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