Not How Luigi Was Expecting to Get Promoted, Was It?

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Luigi's throwing himself into work in the warehouse when he hears,

"Mr. Mario?"

Luigi turns to see Mr. O'Donnell standing there, gesturing for him to follow.

"Oh, hello." Luigi says nervously. "I was just...being helpful with the restaurant menu."

"Forget that. Follow me." Mr. O'Donnell orders.

At this point, everyone has stopped what they're doing to stare as Luigi comes closer.

"HR?" He asks.

"Haberdashery." Mr. O'Donnell corrects.

"Haberdashery?" Luigi repeats, looking back at his coworkers in shock.

"You're back!"

"Back to work!" Mr. O'Donnell orders, so the other men promptly obey, as Luigi is led away.

As Mr. O'Donnell leads him off the elevator, Luigi catches Victor's eye, who looks excited to have him back, as well as Harry's, who waves.

But it's short lived, as instead of directing him back to the floor, he's led to a tiny booth.

"I'm sorry, what's going on here?" Luigi asks.

"You're the valet clerk." Mr. O'Donnell says matter-of-factly.

"Valet clerk?" Luigi repeats, still confused.

"We're short staffed, and you're the best looking out of all the warehouse boys. I trust you don't have any issues with this?" Mr. O'Donnell asks, making clear he better not.

"No, of course not." Luigi says quickly. "I appreciate it, really. But my talents are more geared towards on the floor."

"I want you here." Mr. O'Donnell replies.

"I've kept a very close eye on what's in style for men since I was taken off." Luigi insists. "Bomber jackets. Good enough for our soldiers, good enough for us. Douglas McArthur wore them, isn't that interesting."

"I want you here." Mr. O'Donnell repeats.

"But I haven't been properly trained." Luigi tries.

"Take garment, give ticket. Steam garment, brush garment, repair garment. Take ticket, give garment back. There, trained." Mr. O'Donnell clearly is in no mood to be helpful. "Also..."

Mr. O'Donnell reaches into the booth, and pulls out an outfit consisting of gloves, an apron, and clothing that looks breathable. "Pay close attention to what I'm about to say, because I do not want to repeat myself."

"Okay." Luigi's really nervous now.

"You do not leave that booth until you clock out, you understand me?" Mr. O'Donnell shoves the outfit at Luigi, who quickly puts it on and walks into the booth, as Mr. O'Donnell closes it behind him.

"Take garment." Luigi repeats to himself as he does it. "Give ticket."

As he hangs it up to get it ready for steaming, the other guys in the haberdashery come over.

"Valet clerk, huh?" Harry asks.

"Hey, it's not the warehouse." Luigi replies as he picks up the steamer.

"In other words, I'm not Morty's best man." Victor says.

"Vic! I told you it had to be my brother!" Morty says exasperatedly. "It's family."

"How's it coming along?" Luigi asks as he wraps a handkerchief around his face.

"Well, it's been bumpy." Morty admits.

"His brother's an asshole." Victor states bluntly.

"Vic, we're working!" Morty scolds. "Okay, so he was being a little overbearing, so now my bride's left to do it all by herself."

"Are you serious?" Luigi demands, pulling the handkerchief down. "That's not possible. Morty, you can't let her do that."

"He needs water." Another customer says, handing him a puppy.

"Okay." Luigi says, taking the puppy in his arms.

He tries to call, "Morty!", who seems to hear him, and nods at a customer before coming back over to the valet booth.

"You can't let your bride do that." Luigi says. "That's too much to ask for any bride. I can help."

"I appreciate that, Luigi, but we're really cutting it close, and the budget has us broke." Morty says.

"You don't need money, you need someone who knows what they're doing." Luigi insists. "Which I do. Just because the marriage didn't work out, doesn't mean I don't still look back on the reception fondly. We even got written up in the La Voce della Famiglia. Picture really made it shine. And besides that, you're my friend."

"I don't know..."

"Please, Morty? I need this." Luigi begs. "A wedding is the most important day of a girl's life. Let me do that for her."

"Okay, you sold me. My answer is yes." Morty says.

"Thank you." Luigi sighs in relief.

"See you in the break room." Morty says, then goes back to the floor.

"See you in the break room." Luigi repeats, then sets the puppy down in favor of pulling the handkerchief back over his face, pulling the tiny curtain closed, then getting to work steaming the garment.

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