It's a Dinner, But Nothing About it Screams Family

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"Link, can you hear me?" Luigi says on the payphone. "Link?"

"Mr. Luigi? Did you find Mrs. Mario?"

"That we did." Luigi replies.

" I just sent more of her undergarments. Did she get them? "

"I didn't get the chance to bring it up." Luigi says dryly.

" How is Mr. Mario? "

"Not handling it at all." Luigi says honestly. "How are MJ and Desi?"

" They're both fine. Ms. Del Mario took them to see a play. "

"Oh." Luigi says, not expecting that. "That's—that's good. Did she leave a message?"

"About what?"

"About me." Luigi pushes.

" No. "

"Did she leave a new number?" Luigi asks.

"Also no. But she did say if you need to reach her, leave a message at her parents' place, and she'll get back to you."

"That's a message, Link." Luigi says exasperatedly.

" It is? Well, she did say that. For what it's worth, Mr. Luigi, I am sorry. Losing the girl willing to climb the fire escape for you, that hurts something awful. "

"Here she comes!" Giovanni says as he comes up to Luigi.

"Okay, Link? I have to hang up." Luigi says. "Give my kids a kiss."

As he hangs up, Giovanni asks, "That's her, isn't it?"

"Dad, it's only been a few days." Luigi scolds.

"And I already don't recognize her." Giovanni defends.

"Ciao!" Mia greets the maître d.

"Ciao!" He greets back, kissing her cheeks. "Un tavolo per due nel tuo posto preferito?"

(Table for one at your usual place?)

"Hai qualcosa di più grande stasera? Ho portato con me alcuni ospiti." Mia explains.

(Do you have something bigger tonight? I brought some guests with me.)

"Ma?" Luigi speaks up, making her turn to see them there.

"Ah! You came!" Mia smiles, hugging Luigi but only greeting Giovanni. "Ciao.", then back to the maître d, "Questi due sono con me. Non sono mai stati a Bologna prima."

(These two are with me. They've never been to Bologna before.)

"Che cosa? Non può essere." the maître d shakes his head.

(What? That can't be.)

"Credimi, lo so." Mia agrees, nodding, then following him towards a table.

(Believe me, I know.)

"Guess we're following their lead." Giovanni says, so they do.

"I hope you brought your appetites, cause I did." Mia gushes. "Don't listen to France, we have the best bread in the world."

"No--" Giovanni tries to protest the wine being poured, but when it's poured anyway, Giovanni goes quiet.

"Salud." Mia raises her glass, so Luigi does the same, repeating, "Salud.", clinking glasses.

"So what do you think of Italy?" Mia asks.

"Very...Italian." Luigi replies, not sure what else he can say.

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