41. Mallika gets open up with Sumedh

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Sumedh's pov:
We all celebrated Holi happily today after long time but Chachi is still angry on me and has not ready to accept Mallika. I'm not understanding how to make her understand. That I love Mallika she wants me to give divorce to Mallika and marry Shanaya. How can she even say that?? I know she cares for me a lot, and from childhood she wanted Shanaya to marry me. But I don't want to marry her, why can't she understand it?? I said the truth to dada about Aarohi. At first he was angry on me but slowly his anger calm down and he is happy that he got his grand daughter. I was thinking all this sitting in the garden. Arjun sat infront of me with two cups of Americano.

"Sumedh what are you thinking?? Are you ready to say the truth to Mallika about Aarohi??"
He asked I picked up my coffee mug and said.

"I can't. I can't even imagine what would be her reaction to this, she will never talk to me or stay with me. I'm not ready to loose her once again"
I took a sip.

"So will you hide it??"
He asked.

"I can't even hide it from her she have all rights to know and one or the other day somehow she will get to know the truth. I'll say this truth to her by myself when the right time comes. What about Dr.Albert?? What did he said, will he come to India??"

"Actually Sumedh he checked Aarohi's report and he is not ready to do operation, most probably the operation will be failure and she can go to coma. It's very dangerous for her life"
He said. I stood up and throwed the mug on the the ground in angry.

"why there is any cure for diabetes?? My...my little girl is suffering everyday. She have to take those injections medicines daily. Chocolates, sweets are no name in her life. Arjun I can't see her like this, there must be something to cure her"

"there is nothing Sumedh, nothing. I have tried everything"
I heard mallika's voice and turned back facing her.

"but Mallika we should do something, how can we live her like this??"
I asked being furious.

"we have to there is no any other option. The only thing we can do now is to give her the love which we both didn't got"
She left after saying this. It took me a second to realise that we both haven't experienced mother and father's love.

"she's right"
I said. Arjun patted my shoulder. I went to my room. I didn't find Mallika there. Then, I went to Aarohi's room she has already slept beside Aarohi hugging her. I closed the door and went to my room.

Next morning

And got ready to office. Today the breakfast was prepared by my Mallika. It took me directly to the heaven her hands are literally magical. I ate it full after feeding Aarohi. But why does today Mallika is looking different?? She has wear a grand saree and some jewels, she is looking like goddess but face is dull. Definitely something has happened.

"Mallika is everything ok?? Are you comfortable with this saree and jewellery??"
She looked once towards Chachi who was reading newspaper drinking coffee and said.

"Ye..yes, Sumedh I'm alright"
It was clearly shown she was lying. I didn't asked further. Mallika came with Aarohi's medical kit and took out a insulin bottle and injection.

"Mallika is it necessary?? Can't we give tablets or any other medicines??"
Mallika shaked her head in no. She hold Aarohi's arm. I hugged her turning her face to other side. I closed my eyes too. Mallika completed injecting it.

"Does it hurt??"

"Not at all pappa I felt like a small ant bite on my arm"
She said with a smile.

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