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Mei's pov

"Bye...uh, bye" I mumbled as the dark-haired girl I'd spent the night with walked out of my room, hoping it wasn't too noticeable that I couldn't remember her name.

My wanting to study and concentrate on my well-being resolution had only lasted for about a week. Which was better than nothing. But I just felt restless the whole time, and kind of worryingly, like I needed to drink at least once a day. Which wasn't good. But I couldn't help it.

Living like that was the only way to not make me feel as empty as I'd been in the past months. I would have rather suffered a few hangovers than living in a constantly worried and sad state.

It all also helped me not to think about Vic. Or better, what had happened between us. I couldn't help but think I'd done something dumb and unnecessary, although she was more than okay with it too. And I was also worried about the next time we were going to see each other. As much as I tried to think of us as normal friends, I couldn't deny the physical attraction I had towards her.

I rolled over in bed, grabbing my phone from the night-table. Once I unlocked it, it was still on the texts app, and it took me a few seconds to realize what I was reading. To my horror, I'd apparently drunk-texted Vic a few hours before.

you: im so drunk rn
you: i judt fucked a girl snd i couldt stop tjinking about u
you: i wisj it was u

A sudden wave of nausea hit me as soon as I saw it, probably both due to the alcohol I had in my body and the sudden anxiety.

I luckily made it to the bathroom before I threw up, and once I was done I just sat on the floor for a while, panicking about what I was going to do.

"Mei?" I heard Alex's voice come from the other side of the door.

"Sorry, I'll be out in a minute" I cleared my throat, getting up so I could brush my teeth.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I said, even though I really wasn't.

"You sure?" he asked as soon as I opened the door, finding myself face to face with him.

"I... yeah. I guess" I shrugged, walking to the bedroom. "I just drank too much. My head is killing me"

"That's been happening a lot recently" he observed.

"I know... but I'm fine. Really" I tried my best to reassure him, lying down on my bed.

"You know you can always come to me if you need anything... even just to talk" he said.

"I know, and I really appreciate it" I mumbled, wondering if I should have asked him for advice on what to do with Vic. Maybe keeping it all inside would make me feel worse.

"I care about you a lot, Mei" I heard him say, even though I couldn't face the doorframe he was next to without getting dizzy. "Do you want me to take you some Tylenol?"

"I have some in my drawer" I said, reaching towards the drawer under my night-table and the half full glass of water on top of it. "I did something really fucking dumb"

"How dumb?"

"Like, really really dumb"

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe I should" I sighed as he sat on the bed next to me.

"What the hell did you do?" he asked with a light laugh.

"I..." I tried to get words out of me but just showed him my phone instead.

"Oh. Oh... wow" he said after a while. "She's Ellie's friend, right?"

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