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Vic's pov

As soon as Mei left my house after we'd kissed I immediately got scared that she'd start ignoring me, simply because I'd dealt with someone way too similar in the past. Especially after she didn't reach out for more than a day after.

Yet there I was three days later, at a skatepark near Mei's house, regretting the moment I'd accepted to let her teach me the basics of skateboarding.

"I'm gonna fall on my ass if you let go of my hands" I said, squeezing her hands probably harder than what was necessary. "I don't feel stable on this thing"

"Don't call my board 'thing'" she furrowed her brows. "I'm not letting go of your hands, don't worry" she added, looking very much like she was trying not to laugh.

"I can tell you find this extremely funny" I grumbled, my feet feeling like they were about to give out.

"You just look cute" she laughed, loosening her grip on my hands.


"Look, you're perfectly in balance!" she said, definitely sounding more happy than me. "It's only been five minutes and you're already learning, that's great"

"I wouldn't call clinging onto you and my ankles feeling like they're carrying my whole weight learning"

"You need to be a little patient, but this is already impressive" she said, letting go of one hand.

"Are you insane?" I complained, immediately grabbing it again.

"Sorry" she chuckled. "You're doing great, though" she added, and the sound of her saying that was so attractive that it absolutely didn't help my poor balance.

"Are you just saying it as encouragement?"

"Stop doubting me, I mean it!" she said. "I'm sure you can stand on it without my support"

"I don't wanna fall" I said, maybe too dramatically.

"You won't. I'll make sure you don't" she said, sounding pretty convinced. And pretty hot too. Maybe my balance was actually so poor because of how weak she made my legs feel. "Plus, your knees are protected and you're wearing a helmet"

"Which is making me look like a mushroom"

"A very pretty mushroom" she said with a smile.

"Stop" I laughed, partly to hide my panic. I wasn't sure how long I was going to last if she kept saying stuff like that.

"What? It's true"

"Stop flirting with me and make sure I don't die on this thing" I said, hoping we'd reached the point where saying that was okay.

"Boring" she jokingly said. "I'll let go of your hands now, don't start screaming though"

"What if I fall?"

"I promise you won't. Just remember to keep your knees bent"

"Okay" I took a deep breath as she let go of my hands. "Oh my god"

"See? I told you!" she cheered, looking genuinely really happy.

"Wow" I said, not believing I was able to stand on a freaking skateboard without falling.

"The next step is actually pushing it with one foot"

"Doing what???"

"Just getting used to moving on it. It's not that different from walking"

"Says someone who's been doing this for more than ten years"

"I wouldn't lie to you!" she said. "Just...put your right foot straight on the board"

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