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a/n: college is kicking my ass so i won't be able to update this story very often but if you've read these first three chapters ily it means a lot to me <3

Vic's pov

I eventually had to tell Ellie about Mei asking me out because I was supposed to be spending the day with her, and couldn't just make up some excuse.

And when she asked if I like Mei, I said I did because it was easier than saying "I don't have any kind of romantic attraction towards her but whenever I see her I can't stop thinking about how her hands felt all over my body, and I feel like I can't speak properly because she intimidates me, but I also feel like I want to get to know her and spend more time with her because I feel weirdly drawn to her for some reason".

Part of me was also scared that Ellie had told me she didn't mind any of it just to not upset me, because I knew she always tended to put others before her, even if she'd got better at communicating her needs ever since she'd got with Sam.

But I tried to not think about any of that. It was just meeting for coffee, nothing more, after all.

I spent too much time overthinking about it all as I was getting ready, which resulted in me running late. And I hated being late.

you: i'll be there in ten mins sorryy

mei el's friend: don't worry, i'll save a table for us in the meantime

My hate for not being on time fortunately also meant my walking speed was much quicker than usual when I happened to be late.

Once I got in front of the coffee shop Mei had told me about, I stopped outside for a second to catch my breath and try to not make my hair look all over the place. The last thing I wanted was to go to her looking like I'd just ran a marathon while she looked perfect as usual. I hadn't even seen her yet, but I knew she did because she always looked stunning.

And I was perfectly right. As I walked to the table I spotted her at after ordering my coffee, the sight of her sitting there, her sweater's sleeves rolled up and one of her elbows resting on her ripped jeans' knee, made me have to catch my breath one more time.

"Hey" I said, hoping I didn't startle her.

"Hi!" she said, looking up from her phone. "I was starting to think you'd got lost"

"No, sorry, I still need to get used to the subway here" I laughed, sitting on the seat in front of her. "What'd you order?"

"Iced oat latte, that's my go-to. You?"

"Same!" I said with a laugh. "We're such gay stereotypes. Drinking iced coffee in January"

"For real" she also laughed. "And with oat milk too"

"Well, I'm lactose intolerant. So that's that"

"That's boring" she shook her head. "I'm kidding. Obviously. I'm glad you came, also"

"Can I be blunt again and ask why you wanted to see me?" I blurted out before I could figure out a kinder way of asking.

"Why do you think?" she raised a brow.

"You have to actually reply this time because you can't shut me up with a making out session here"

"Well, technically I cou-"

"Mei!" I tried my best not to joke about daring her to do that.

"Okay, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday evening in person" she sighed.

"What? I told you I didn't mind. It was all pretty funny. And El didn't seem to mind" I said, not expecting that.

"Are you sure? I mean, I think you know how she sometimes lies to make others happy better than I do"

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