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Vic's pov

"Vic, how on earth did you get paint on your nose?" Ashley, one of my friends from my dorm asked, as we exited the building where the painting club meetings were held. She'd actually been the one to convince me to join it with her.

"What? Do I really have it on my nose?" I laughed as I checked my reflection in my phone, seeing a big orange mark next to the tip of my nose.

"Yeah, hang on" she said as she took a tissue out of her pocket and rubbed it against my nose. "Better"

"Thanks Ash" I said. "And also, thanks for convincing me to join this club, it's actually fun"

"I told you it would be" she smiled. "I've always found painting so relaxing"

"I used to do it all the time in high-school when I got too stressed about homework and stuff. I'm happy to get into the habit of it again, I definitely need something relaxing in my life right now"

"Living in a single room isn't as exciting as you thought it'd be?" she asked.

"I'm not a great fan of living alone, but I also wasn't a big fan of being in the same room as, well, her"

"That's very valid" the blonde said as we approached our dorm' building. "Even if you're on good terms, having to live with your ex is never a good thing"

"She's not my- I mean, it's complicated. But I get what you mean"

"You always say that whenever someone brings your history with her up" she observed.

"Because it's true" I said with a shrug. "We weren't exactly together"

"It sure looked like you were..."

"Oh, I know" I agreed.

"Nothing worse than a situationship, am I right?" she nodded with a laugh.

"Absolutely" I chuckled as we got to my room's floor. "Maybe you and the others could come over one of these days? Or we could go out"

"Sure! I'll let you know" she said. "See you later, then" she added with a smile as she headed up the stairs.

It'd been two weeks since I moved out, and I had to admit I was feeling less stressed than I'd been in months. Apparently sharing a room with Sam had affected my mental health more than I thought.

And about the living alone part, I'd enrolled in three different clubs in college and had been studying in the library with my friends everyday, so it wasn't much of a problem. I was so tired by the end of the day that I didn't have the energy to overthink when going to sleep.

Having the whole room for me had made me feel less self-conscious about decorating my room in a completely personal way that made me feel at home. I'd hung fake ivy vines on top of my bed, and filled the few shelves I had with both books and plants, while the wall opposite my bed was covered in movie posters and photos, mostly portraying me and Ellie.

I was finally starting to feel like my usual self again, and I'd missed it.

My only slight problem, as I'd already predicted a while before, was that after a while of being single I'd always start to feel the need to be in a relationship. It's not that I was scared of being alone, but I often just spontaneously started to seek reassurance and validation from other people. Maybe I actually was slightly scared of being alone.

But I couldn't seem to bring myself on the dating scene that time. I'd even tried with dating apps as advised by my friends, but it wasn't really my thing. I was going to have to finally learn to live with myself, I guessed.

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